Always look to the future, not behind, every age has its beauty

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Reading, Health, Today, Nature, Investing, ...

This time last year... I was in a very good mind, maybe I was feeling a little better than I am now. Of course, I changed hundreds of shapes to come to this time. I added some more memories to my experiences. I grew a little more and learned a little more about living. I understood a little more the value of my breathing.

If you start saying 'how fast a year has passed', it means you are getting old. However, how close is it '-Let high school be over, if I pass this exam once, what will happen when school is over, I have a job, long live I have a job, promotion, marriage proposal, how the wedding should be, will we have a child, who will it look like, will it be a girl or a boy. Let's leave the questions behind.

As time passes, there are those that we leave behind the most painful and bid farewell to eternity. You understand that when you get older, if you have family, friends and children with you, you are rich, happy, and you are the luckiest servant...

Another new year... Another year has now been added to the household... My wish is the same in this new year...

As we get older, we think we lose hope in life when we are little. It won't be as cheerful as it used to be, it doesn't deserve everything like it used to be. Let that old man sit on the sidelines 🙂

It wasn't like that at all… I'm getting more and more attached to life. I look at young people with envy. Being at that age again, living again, seizing opportunities. always being renewed...

As I grow, my soul seems to shrink inside my body. I want nothing to be left behind that I haven't tasted.

In the end, I take refuge in the saying that "every age has its own beauty". When I was younger, I wouldn't appreciate something again. I would make the same mistakes, get stuck in the same holes, experience the same pain again. I'm not, let's have some courage, I regret everything I've been waiting for or delaying because I have time. I'm still young, I'm still alive. I don't want to regret another whole year after 1 year. Let my body, my hands, my mind work. Let me learn the most meaningful and the most beautiful information Let your words read, the most beautiful of poems... Let my eyes witness the most beautiful views. The birth of a cat, a magnificent sunset. May my heart live the most beautiful love, share valuable love with good people. Like a working machine. Like a daisy that comes out from under the ground every spring. Let it shake my body again and again, that joy of life. I. Forever… There is no more life to be given to me. No more procrastination! No more regrets…

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Reading, Health, Today, Nature, Investing, ...


Indeed we always desire for something more but failing to enjoy the now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are so right. Unfortunately this is our biggest mistake.

$ 0.00
2 years ago