Think Big to be BIG!

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Written by
4 years ago

The Holy Bible says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is".

Your thought are such very powerful raw materials that your Creator has given you.

Your thoughts are the ideas and opinions that you have about something.

In your head, you have 14 million brain cells to aid you in processing of your thoughts while you carry out your daily routines in life.

Your failure or success on earth in everything you do is dependent on no one else but you. You determine your success, you determine your failure, you determine what comes to you and what doesn't.

Hidden in every human is the quality of a miser(stingy) man.

The atmosphere you allow around you would determine the kind of product you produce and all your thought tends to materialize in your life!

The truth is, all you need as a man is common sense, with common sense you have all the sense you would possibly need to excel in life. To acquire success it simply a matter of choice, resolve, the right strategies, discipline and habits(which forms your attitude).

Take note of this short illustration below:

A little girl had suffered right from birth! She lost both parents and had to live with her uncle, ...she had neither father nor mother... "That is enough frustration for a young girl". She had grown up as a captive in a foreign land along with her uncle, and that was her story but she didn't let that define or let that bring about depression in her. She kept on living with a smile on her face. The king of the region noticed this on a certain occasion and was so suprised on how she was in captivity yet she still smiled. She simply said she has lived beyound self pity and depression the only thing left in her now is to be grateful for each day she lives. This made the king take interest in her. To cut the story short she later got married to him and lived the rest of her life in comfort.

The girl from this illustration never allowed the thought of depression or negative thinking consume her, she overcame negative thoughts with a smile. You might handle yours differently but what matter is that you kick out that negative thought in anyway you can.

Do you Know with your thoughts you can build anything you desire? So why are you being stingy with your thoughts(thinking small)?

It is some what a constant that when you think big, you become big; but when you think small you become small.

You get what you think.

If you think about something and you say it's impossible in your thoughts then you would never be able to accomplish it because you keep seeing brick walls and dead ends, but if you think of that thing being possible, then it is most likely that you would succeed because your mind would be opened to different possibilities in that direction.

Ask yourself these questions today:

Why am I wasting my time in settling for less? Why am I making small plans? Why am I allowing depression and self pity to consume me because of that delay my life? Why am I being stingy with my thought?

You have been gifted with the most powerful weapon on earth, make use of it now!

Thank you for reading this and hopefully you were edified. please consider leaving a like and look forward to my next piece.

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Avatar for phavvy
Written by
4 years ago


This article is educative and motivative in nature as it encourages people to think big and grow big. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your rapt feedback... I really do appreciate it. Yes we need to think big in order to accomplish big think. We often settle for less as humans which is not Ideal.

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4 years ago

I am a christian too. I am glad that you're a christian. Keep writing. I like your article and be a blessing.

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4 years ago

wow really... that's great to hear. I really also enjoy reading your contents as well, they are captivating.

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4 years ago

I am glad that it somehow is captivating. Sometimes, I can see someone wants to discourage me in my writing style. But I am happy that you are there to encourage.

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4 years ago

Yeah that's life for you... not everyone would see thing your way... Not everyone would accept your ideas or thoughts but you have to keep pushing on in the right direction... so as to avoid any form of negative emotions like depression or inferiority

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4 years ago

Correct! But it's okay, I am not minding it though because we are subject bybour own opinion.

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4 years ago

Are you a christian Phavvy? I like your article. It's empowering. Continue to be a blessing. It is just like saying "you are what you eat".

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4 years ago

Yes my friend, I am a christian. I am honored to bless you as it is knowledge given to me by the creator. I only make use of his gift to bless others. Thank you for your kind words.

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4 years ago

Everyone should have a aim in his we think more and more and done our works more and more

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4 years ago

yeah well said... in life you must set goals for yourself... but in this context not just goals but standard goals so we don't limit ourselves to settling for less...

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago

This is the part of the text I love most ".

In your head, you have 14 million brain cells to aid you in processing of your thoughts while you carry out your daily routines in life.

Your failure or success on earth in everything you do is dependent on no one else but you. You determine your success, you determine your failure, you determine what comes to you and what doesn't"

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4 years ago

yeah those are some really strong points you caught, we have been given a gift, a gift that can be used to excel in life...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Totally agree with your sentences. Think big and every single day take a new step to achieve your goal! Appreciated mate.

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4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback... really appreciated. Yes we need to set goals for ourselves so keep us going all through our lives, w stop setting goals when we stop living

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes agree with you. Your aim should be fixed and you should be determined about your aim. Think big and motivate yourself for achieving that.. Thank you. I like your writing style and your topic selection... Keep it up..

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User's avatar Apu
4 years ago

Thank you for the warm complements... I really appreciate it, yes self-motivation is the best kind of motivation and it is fueled by determination

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4 years ago

Our thought is what makes us, let's guide what we see, hear, read and how we treat humans. The thought of a man make him or mars him

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4 years ago

well said, what goes into a man can defy him. Wrong thoughts can turn you into living a life of depression and self-pity, which then breads destruction.

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4 years ago

Thinking big is really important if you want to go far but still, we should learn to work towards our thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

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4 years ago

Everything begins from your thoughts. Before you doing anything you must have processed it in your thoughts and know how to go about it before you do. Do you know you think about it before you walk, jump, run, swimming and all but because we are so used to these activities we no longer have to pause to think about them, we do them instantly on the go.

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4 years ago

wow i agree on that. is this from John Maxwell book or any Christian book?seems familiar.hehe...God bless...

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4 years ago

No it not, haven't heard of that before. Most things from the Bible are familiar so that's probably why it seemed familiar to you.

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4 years ago

Yes you need to think big to be big because thinking little can only limit yourself and your potential

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4 years ago

You got it... Our mind is so powerful and also so vulnerable that when you start setting small goals for yourself, your mind starts adapting to those kind of small goals thereby prompting you to always settle for small things while you can easily go for the bigger one. So it best we live beyound our expectations so we don't limit ourselves in any way.

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4 years ago

Your thoughts are your guide on what to do weather it's positive or negative. Your doings are the reflection of your thoughts. Having common sense is a good guide, bcoz everyone has common sense but some are not using it.

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4 years ago

yeah that true, we must also learn to utilize this common sense because only then is it valid. Only then can we use it to accomplish that which we need to.

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4 years ago

Thinking big is really important specially in making long-term plans. Our thoughts determine our actions. Thank you for sharing motivating article 👍

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4 years ago

Thank you for reading and dropping a feedback... I really appreciate the support. if we don't think big then we risk limiting ourselves and not attaining our true potential which is not ideal

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4 years ago

Exactly. As my favorite quote says Our only limit is our mind

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4 years ago

really your article is so good. firstly you have to learn dream andd then you fill up this

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4 years ago

Thank you for the warm compliment... we have to set the foundation in our thoughts then build it from there till is becomes a reality

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4 years ago

"Hidden in every human is the quality of a miser(stingy) man." Why a man? Women do not count?

The story about the little girl... What's wrong with growing up without your parents if you have an uncle, someone who cares? What's wring with growing up in a foreign country if you are young, flexible enough to learn a new language, new habits and you have someone who cares? I wish I have had that chance instead of the miserable life and molesting I had thanks to my parents. ☹

There is nothing wrong with small plans. Small plans you achieve give you courage, self-esteem needed to go for the bigger plan.

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4 years ago

when I made use of the word man, it meant it to be general, referring to both men and women alike. oh I'm really sorry to hear that, life doesn't always turn out the way we expect or the way we want it to, so stories are more painful than others but what matters in the end is how you take these occurance in your life.

How you react to them defines who you truly are, and then who you would be in future. Hard times are meant to make us stronger. Is it possible to make a good ceramic without it going through fire. Take your pains and use them to grow, I know it's easier said than done but still it's the only way out.

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4 years ago

Your failure or success on earth in everything you do is dependent on no one else but you

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4 years ago

yes that's that's true, you have been given all you would ever need too succeed, it's left for you to use it...

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4 years ago

This illustration, " A little girl had suffered right from birth! She lost both parents and had to live with her uncle, ...she had neither father nor... ", aids understanding.

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4 years ago

Life neccesity is known just to live by it and let it flow in a normal way don't forget to use your sense and behave mannered

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4 years ago