What a beautiful destination: Keep going

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2 years ago

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Seriously i am not sure of where to start from, but i will always start from somewhere. During my childhood days, i was taught transportation in school and the various means of transportation that we have; the road, water, and air means of transportation. I was so curious to know more about the means of transportation by air, i was 11 years old then so i needed to know what it is like to travel by air. I got better explanation from the few books i read joined with what the teacher taught in class, but something was missing. None of them even talked about the turbulence that normally occur when the plane is flying up there.

Not until one of my aunties shared her first experience with us. It was her first time traveling by air. According to her that faithful day she was to travel, she woked up early feeling happy about the journey. Since it is her first time, she did not want to hear stories that she missed her flight, so she got to the airport 4 hour to the departure time. Her destination was the United States Of America, what a beautiful destination, but she never knew that she will have tough journey. The plane had taken off, 13 hours in the journey, the most hated thing happened, turbulence.

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Since it was her first time the journey already became so frustrating and difficult for her despite the announcement made by the pilot that everything is under control. She regretted why she ever started that journey, but after a long while in the air she arrived at her destination. According to her, she was so happy and thankful that she has arrived her beautiful destination safely. Such journey is nothing different from the journey life,so difficult but has a beautiful end if you keep moving.

In the journey of life you will meet a lot of things both the good and the bad. Anything can happen as we journey through life, lots of opportunities will pass us by because we were masqueraded by the difficult times we experience. Most at times our thoughts will point to us that we are doing the right thing or even taking the right decision, but alone the line we discover that we have been. following the wrong bearing all this while. It could be so frustrating that it makes you loose you mind, you don't think straight that very moment.

All of this will happen because we are only human and not some programmed robot, we are bound to fail or make mistakes along the journey of life because the difficulties we face. As humans we are far from being perfect, mistakes will always happen, but those mistakes are there to make us stronger, wiser, help us grow, and even teach us patience.

Never get angry or hard on yourself because of the mistakes you made, let me surprise you, there are a lot of great lessons to learn from those mistakes and failures. Give yourself this confident assurance that even if you fail today or even in the future, that those lessons learned from the failures will be of great advantage to you. It will help build your self-confidence, you get to understand who you really are and your needs.

Friends you will always find great wisdom and understanding in every lesson learned. Now you have learned from you mistakes and failures, and maybe you decide to continue in the journey of life, the next time you find yourself making that same mistakes again, you shouldn't bother or even shy away from it. Just accept your mistakes and keep going. Mistakes, difficult times, frustration, bad days in the journey of life are inevitable. It's now your place to choose whether to give way to the ups and downs of life to weigh you down or you keep going ahead.

Friends, the journey of life might seem hard, difficult, impossible, but let me remind you that you have what it takes to end well. When i say end well, i mean you get to that beautiful destination safely.

Everything about life is unpredictable, never forget that not everyday that comes will be colorful, never mind, continue the journey with great faith that there is a beautiful end waiting for you. No one will ever wish for a bad day, but when it comes, accept it because you will see the reason to be grateful for the good days when it finally comes.

When you finally arrive at that beautiful destination, then will you know that all your efforts were worth it.

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Thank you for sparing your precious time to read this article!!!

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2 years ago


This is interesting. It´s all mater of having faith while on your journey in life. Everything can never be rosy all day, there would be difficulties, but when we are able to understand what lies ahead of us when we continue to move on not minding the rough roads, we would laugh last seeing how tough and brave we have been to get to our destination.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our aim in our journey of life is happiness, and if as individuals we allow distractions of whatever kind to push our focus off that air, then we will never arrive at that beautiful destination. Thank you for stopping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should always have in mind that every journey we are taking will surely lead us to a good destinations. Even if sometimes the beginning of the journey might looks so difficult but yet we shouldn't allow the difficulties to stop us from doing what we suppose to do in other to have a beautiful destination.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As long as we planned for it, then a beautiful destination is awaiting our arrival.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's is really right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never traveled in air. I like to settle in abroad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is a nice idea.. Get the necessary papers and you are good to go

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also remembered my first travel by air, I feltbsick through out the journey, thanks for sharing this wonderful piece, I will always learn from my mistake.. Truly life isn't a bed of roses

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me for the few times, i think thrice that i have traveled by air, i did not experience any turbulence. The journey was so smooth and i enjoyed it. Initially from the experience my aunt shared with me, i got on the plane with a fearful heart, but everything settled when i do not have the same experience as her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe cause you were lucky

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When starting a journey we should also expect to finish it successful, there's a beautiful end await us, let us not get discourage by what we hear or witness during the journey though the starting point might not really be easy but surely we would end well and arrive our destination safely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How you start will tell how you will end. If your start the journey through life with a positve mindset, trust me nothing will shake you because your thoughts are full of positivity. That's why i will always tell my friends, begin well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every journey we choose to take always have a beautiful end, that's why we embark on it. We shouldn't stop half way because of the difficulty we encounter, what should be on our mind is how to encourage ourselves to keep going as you have said.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great contribution from you. Our efforts should not be wasted because of the challenges we face on our journey through life, we should persist and be patient because one day we will arrive at that beautiful destination.

$ 0.00
2 years ago