How Do You React To The Mistakes You Make?

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2 years ago

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It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on.Steve Maraboli

As long as we humans and doing different activities daily, mistakes will always occur. It's just so natural that everybody will always make a mistakes but having the ability to take one or two lessons out from that mistake is what matters. We are humans, making a mistake shouldn't sound like you have just killed someone. Our strength and capability should not be measured by our mistakes, it shouldn't give a definition of who we are. Have this at the back of your mind that no one is perfect. Sometimes you might search for the reasons to why you made such mistake and if you couldn't find it, just have a quite with yourself and sorry out ways you can correct those mistake instead blaming yourself. The only thing that defines you is the way and manner you deal with those mistakes you made. Personally, i see mistakes as channels to learn and be better on a particular thing. It is either you let your mistakes pull you down or you raise yourself above the level where you were stuck with the extra knowledge you will get from it. Remember, no one is above mistake.

How do you react to the mistakes you make?

Do you react badly? Or, You treat yourself with compassion?

In everything that we do we will always want to get it right, that is the plan we always have. But sometimes those plans don't work out the way we expected, mistakes comes in along the way. Because of the plan we had, we never expected to make any mistake, and sometimes it is always so hard to deal with those mistakes if you are a type that lacks this forgiving spirit for your own self. If you don't have love for yourself every mistake you make will make you paint yourself the most worst person on earth, sometimes you feel like you should not even exist. If only you can learn how to love yourself, show somw level of kindness, then you will be able to deal with every mistake you make. If you treat yourself bad because of your ouw shortcomings then you will continue to be stucked in whatever mess you are in. Having compassion on yourself will make it more easy to deal with or even smile at your mistakes.

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Let people see that you have come to a point in your life where you don't let your mistakes rule or define you. You could imagine that you have gone this far in life, you have grown so matured to this extent and people see the change in you. But along the way, you make a huge mistake in the presence of this people, it could be so frustrating that you wouldn't want to fail them by reaction l badly to the situation. Everyone knows that it is so natural to make a mistake, no one is perfect. This is the right moment to show this people that you truly love yourself despite your mistakes, be kind and show compassion instead of getting angry and frustrated. Showing this kind of attitude will make you realize that you are only human and not some kind of robot.

When you make mistakes and you show kindness to yourself, you are automaticall accepting the fact that you are human, accepting how you feel, becoming your own best friend, reminding yourself that you are capable of getting yourself out of every mess that you are in, that you will get more better and wiser aftee recovering from those mistakes. Never feel bad for the mistakes you make, it is so okay to find yourself in such a moment. You never wished to be there, but here you are, if only you can agree with yourself that you will definitely make those mistakes, then you have done something great for yourself. There will be a speedy recovery.

There are thousands of people at this very moment making huge mistakes, but yet still thet forgive themselves after a while and move on. You too can so that, don't be stuck in that dark world forever, give yourself a chance to heal by forgiving, and showing love to you. Don't be stuck, but try to take great lessons from there and improve on your life.

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Thank you for reading......

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2 years ago


I really had to take my time and go through every single line of this article, and i got to realize that i have not been treating myself the right way. So bad of me, i accept that fact that i have not really shown myself the love and kindness i do to others. I have learned today, and i hope to implement everything you have said here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for seeimg this article worthy. I really appreciate it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember jumping down our storey building just to hurt myself, when I made a was so painful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You went too far. Please try to control yourself next time, you would have been seriously hurt if you had actually done it. Mistakes is not the end, it's just a stepping stone to becoming a better version of you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mistake is what we always do as far as we are still living life, every mistake we made shouldn't make us to feel as if that is the end of everything, we keep on learning from our mistakes everytime we make mistakes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you deeply check, there are a lot of lessons to learn from even small mistakes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I usually annoyed by myself at first but then move on next day. Commiting mistakes is inevitable and it is part of perfectness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so much happy that you don't stay longer worrying about your mistakes. Take lessons from it, try to improve yourself on it and equalove on with your life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago