Embrace your imperfections

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2 years ago

"Beauty is the shadow of imperfection."

- Simon Van Booy

I grew up to hear that no one under the sun is perfect. I have read in so many places about this same topic, and it still remains the same, "No one is perfect". I personally have my own imperfections, also same with every other person here and outside this platform. Imperfection is what makes the journey of life beautiful and interesting. Imperfections helps an individual have the desire to set great goals, and sometimes without imperfections lots of people will never have success stories to tell.

No one is ever perfect, we are human so mistakes are bound to happen. Don't ever be ashamed of you because of your imperfections, remind yourself that you need to keep fighting until you get it right instead of hiding from yourself. Imperfections are there to beautify you, and accepting it confirms that you truly love and accept you for who you are. If everytime we desire to be perfect, we will never realize our true purpose to why we are living.

"I realized that I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect and beautiful journey of my life."

- Kerry Washington

Imperfections are there to shape every individual to become a better version of themselves. No matter how it is both in perfect and imperfect, you just need to love yourself, this is what defines you. Don't let anybody lie to you that you can only find happiness in perfection, happiness can also be found in your imperfections because it will remind you of your growth and worth.

Somehow life will be so boring without imperfections. A situation where everything goes in a straight line will never make sense to you. I am not saying it is bad to have some level of perfections in our lives. Without imperfection we will never have an inspiring success story to tell to the next person, you will never realize how blessed you are with some outstanding abilities. We can only recognize our growth when we accept our imperfections.

Don't ever get annoyed if people humiliate you because of your imperfections, remember it is what makes the best part of you to come out. Continue fighting until you be that better person you've always dreamed of. Try to do something spectacular and accept you for who you truly are, even with all the mistakes you have made in life. Your own imperfection is what makes you stands out amongst other, accept and embrace that unique part of your life.

"Imperfection is the greatness of man."

- Ernst Fischer

Whatsoever you are doing, don't stop the. journey half way. Those impeefections is what makes you who you are. Those things you feel you don't normally do well, try to improve on them. You are so unique despite your imperfections.

All images from HERE

All quotes from HERE

Thank you for showing up today... Remain bless friends..

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2 years ago


Imperfections is what we use to grow gradually, and if we are afraid of our imperfections we will not be able to stand out and tell people how we over came the storms of life, we should admire our imperfection as we keep growing everyday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Imperfections is the power behind some success stories around. We shouldn't shy away from it but rather accept it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so educating, imperfection is like the clay from which we are moulded from. Many people try to be so perfect before they could try anything. But I do tell some of them that being perfect isn't all that is needed. You need to take a step even when you are not sure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is truly what defines our growth and worth. Being perfect always should not be the goal any individual will always expect. Even when we are not too sure of the outcome of our actions or the steps we take towards achieving a particular purpose, we should be bold enough to make those mistakes cos that's where more knowledge and ideas will be drawn from.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you making mistakes makes us a little close to our success. But making deadly mistakes makes us a little close to our death. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha. That's so funny.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our imperfections are part of what makes us unique. It is very important to accept and embrace them so no one can use them against us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes our imperfections is someone else's perfection. Other people try to have or do what we see as a mistake, and if there's no form of acceptance for who we are, then we are missing it, this people may feel disappointed. With all the imperfections in our lives, lets embrace them because like you have said, that's what makes us unique and moreover different from others. Thank you Murakamii for always visiting. You are the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago