A legible writing wins you the favour of the examiner

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2 years ago


Hello mates, happy new month. So sorry it is coming late, i was so busy with other things that it took me far away from the platform. But i'm glad i am back again.

In todays article i will be dwelling on why people fail tests. This was not the topic i work have started the month with, but since nothing came to mind quickly, so i decided to write about this. The inspirational came from the discussion between two students. Failing tests or examination is not only channeled to students alone, some companies give tests to their workers, either for employment, or promotion. To some these tests are hurdles to climb from a lower class to a higher one, some need them to leap from the lower school to the higher school, while some want them for their school leaving certificates thereby ending a phase in their educational ladder.

How do you prepare for your tests? If you have been working consistently all through; your preparation should not be a prolonged agony. Your revision should be without tears. It is not how many hours spent on reading that matters but how much is being absorbed.

When you feel tired and dreamy, weary and worn out, and your eyes goes over the same thing ten times without a trickle entering the brain, you must know that fatigue has set in. The quality of your work is reduced as fatique is increased and you find that you can no longer concentrate.

There are two major causes of failure in tests. The first is your lack of knowledge and the second, your inability to write about what you know. Lack of knowledge is sometimes due to laziness but more often it is possibly the opposite and wrong kind of knowledge.

You can even be gifted that you are able top repeat long sections by heart, but this is good to some extent and atimes very dangerous. The mistake is that you become so obsessed with memories that you give little attention to understanding so when the tests comes, you see a question that reminds you of something you know by heart, out you pour it into the tests script without first considering whether what you know is relevant or not. In nine chances out of ten, you have given the wrong answers and so obtain an unexpected score.

Having examined the causes of failures, what can be done to reduce this to a minimum extent? Firstly, you must read the instructions given to you before you set about answering it. Higher marks will be gained by students who answers five questions moderately than by answering three in detail and leaving two unanswered. Hence you should try yo spread you time over the whole questions and not just waste the whole time on a particular question.

Another important point to remember is reading over your work. Sloppymistakes make a very bad impression on an examination and these are corrected when reading over. See that you enter the test room at least five minutes before the paper is dumb to start. This will help you to get set, arrange your materials and cool down your nerves.

Final Thoughts

Finally, walking out of a test room before the time limit is reached or rushing to finish early can be very dangerous. Even if all possible question have been answered, there are always improvement on spellings, punctuations and presentation. On completing your answer, it is very helpful to read the questions you have answered again to ensure that you have answered the questions asked and remember a legible writing wins you the favour of the examiner.

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2 years ago


Real points to always remember when writing an exam. I have noticed somethings about exams, and those things are confidence and overthinking.

When you start an exam with confidence you will surely do well and even if there's gonna be mistake they'd little but don't always too confident as that could over confidence and over confidence is bad. Then overthinking which will definitely kill your morale in the exams hall as you will not be sure of what to write.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is absolutely true. Confidence is good, but being over confident is what is not really good. Confidence without proper preparation doesn't end well at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Instructions are very key while writing any test or exam. I've been a victim of this during my first semester in tertiary institution. We were expected to arrange the answers to one of the questions chronologically but I didn't read the whole question. I had already finished but just about twenty minutes to the end of the exam, I checked the question again. I realized my mistakes but I didn't know how to arrange it so, I cancelled it and answered another question.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading over your work and the instruction again really saved you. Instances like this makes whoever took the test or the exams blame the examiner for giving them zero score or half, not knowing that they made a great mistake by not reading through the instructions before going ahead to answer the question.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Taking exams or test is not just an easy takes, we don't need to be in a rush. I can remember when I was rushing to exams hall then, I believe it was because of my rush that I forget some certain spellings, I later realise what to write when I calm my self.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is never advisable to rush into the test hall. You take your time go there some minutes to the commencement of the test, get a comfortable spot, relax your mind. And watch how everything will flow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is very important to be mentally present when taking an exam. It will not only help you spot mistakes, but it will also give you a higher chance of passing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, this is so true. When your mind focuses on the test alone, there's always a great possibility that you'll will do well in the test, if only you had prepared for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right, I remember when I was preparing for an exams, on getting to the exams hall, I didn't carefully study the question well. I just started answering what I thoughts it was. When the scripts were marked, I almost failed.. It is good to read questions before answering them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Instructions is like a guide, so if you don't follow it, definitely you won't arrive well. Thank God you didn't fail completely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago