When Read Cash Is Silent: Right Now We Don't Understand But Time Will Make Us Understand

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Avatar for pajeroz
1 year ago
Topics: Analysis, Read cash

Right now, I can say times are difficult and hard to understand. Like a riddle, the question is difficult to find, but when you know the answer, a big smile adorns your face.

What has happened now, makes one wonder.

Is Read Cash going to die soon?

Is Read Cash going away soon?

Has Read Cash run out of funds?

Does Read Cash not like articles anymore?

Does Read Cash dislike its members?


How to Read Cash next…..?

So many questions, assumptions and perceptions that come out of various circles.

I only interpret based on LOGIC, namely WHY UNTIL THE SITE DOESN'T STOP?

Gif Source: mohamed_hassan

If indeed, Read Cash was planned to be discontinued, WHEN RUSTY LEAVES, READ CASH SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLOSED. But in fact, until now we can still share articles, even yesterday I had time to test the mechanism.

I made a test run by putting the same comment on an article from Mr @Coolmidwestguy and it turns out tracking or site rules are still running. It can be understood that the mechanism and management are still running according to the regulations, meaning that the site is still functioning according to the provisions.

In this case, there is still something stored and it is not time to be published by management. Is it currently in the planning or is waiting time to be realized.

Right now, we don't understand but time will make us understand.



$ 0.13
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Porwest
Sponsors of pajeroz
Avatar for pajeroz
1 year ago
Topics: Analysis, Read cash


I agree with you. I still hope for the best, and time will come all this endings and changes will be reasonable when the time comes. Let's pray for better days to come ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wonder why the site should be closed even with the now absent Rusty? What is stopping us from making a contribution, both in terms of content and tipping? In any event, if all we did was take from the funds offered and did not give anything back, or make our own additional contribution, how long could that have legitimately lasted?

Even Simon and Marc had limited funds, and what would be the point of them simply giving their riches away for our sake?

The funds dried up not because they ran out. They dried up because we didn't do our part and make any contribution other than take someone else's money.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Very factual, many people may not imagine how limited funds are, but because of the habit of getting tips, it makes people lazy to work and don't give their time.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It still remains and hope it stays. I think we all need to refocus here. Instead of what read.cash can do for us maybe we need to to look at what can we do for it. Could it be that it chooses to be more profitable? Perhaps those who are trying to gain profits should try to give higher percentage back. Little things could help, for instance one person who always upvotes $.01 changes and upvotes $.02. Also it holds true the more you upvote the better chance of receiving more upvotes from your co-authors. Just my thoughts, actually all of them are assumptions.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes I agree, we need to participate more intensely here. We will find all hope. I always want to be actively involved because I always want to see the changes that are happening on this platform. Take a look in the "Home Page" menu and see if anything has changed, the Recommendations are gone. This is an indication that there has been a change, even if it looks small. Thank you sir, I hope you stay healthy always.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope the site still lives on, but I know one day a decision has to be made. Because maintaining a website is quite expensive. I just hope read cash can be transformed into something meaningful than closing down

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes, that's right, I'm sure next year there will be new regulations. Just be patient friends because good times will come soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago