Falling In Love Is Like Falling Down The Stairs
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You may have felt falling in love with someone who you think is someone who fits your heart and your eyes when you see him your heart may feel ripped out and move to him thinking about him every time when eating, drinking, sleeping, working even to the point of bringing your imagination spinning just to think about her smile, her body shape and her skin often brings thoughts of having her whole.
That's the feeling of love that has drowned you in the seventh heaven without any shame because the desire of the heart is still in a state of flowering and wants to pick it up always touching, holding his hand and wanting to hug that is a naughty thought and that often arises in our brains that have been overgrown with seeds of love that may be will bloom or will die.
But do you understand that falling in love can make you happy and sad and I feel that these two words you must have understood because actually these two elements will happen when you fall in love.
I say falling in love is like falling down a ladder
My ladder is like love to someone, when we want to reach the top of the ladder then we need extra super power so that our legs and arms can take our body to the top of the ladder, the mind must also concentrate fully so that the balance of the body can be felt and everything can reach the destination but when we feel vibrations in the feet and hands and the body can no longer be in a strong state then we will apparently fall and that is a shift in love from someone we will have whose heart will start to slowly reject with their words so that in the end love is not accepted or being rejected is a sign that we have fallen from a high ladder.
You will feel the pain of falling from high stairs as well as rejection of love which will make you feel pain that will pierce your heart deeply and you will not find an antidote in drug pharmacies.
Remember to be careful falling in love because falling hurts.
Trust no one.