Dare To Love Means Dare To Be Hurt

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You may have experienced falling in love, loving, being loved and being in a relationship with someone you like and admire. When liking a woman or a man, of course, the existence of the heart will always be filled with deep happiness like someone who goes crazy with a stab of affection and all of that is normal and there is no law that forbids it. Love is a gift from the Almighty for us to enjoy by making love, sometimes lust is often carried away when we see the beauty of someone who becomes true love wanting to do unimaginable pleasures.

I have felt the most delicious love in my life but it didn't last long and he left me. When love leaves my heart is broken, I become a person who is no longer grateful for what I have as if love has made my life miserable when I first loved someone. The same thing keeps happening when the harbor of love falls on a woman who only lasted a few months, internal problems within her made life no longer able to endure the cruelty of love.

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As many people say when you love means you are ready to break your heart this sentence gives an indication that love will not last forever there is a time when he will leave us forever. I have felt the pleasures and also the pains that is the circle of love in real life as if one cannot live without love but also one leaves the world because of failure in love.

My experience may still be too small compared to all of you who have felt love for tens, hundreds and thousands but the love I felt almost killed myself. Positive character almost fell because love cannot bear fruit and must die while still sprouting. Now I realize that I have to have mental steel in myself to dare to love because the more love that happens in life, the bigger the heartbreak that will happen.

Loving someone is sometimes difficult because the burden of the mind is always an easy target for someone. You may not be happy when you have not received news from your idol, feelings of anxiety and restlessness always gnaw at your mind. Likewise, the feeling I received from the first time I was in a relationship with someone, it felt like I wanted to go out in the middle of the night to meet him because I felt uneasy and always assumed in my heart that he would be the last choice.

I've always wanted to keep my heart from getting hurt but is having to live a life without love the solution? It's not easy for me to live without love because my heart really wants to always be accompanied by someone's tenderness, but I must realize that the warrior of love is a hero of the heart who must survive for the sake of deep wounds until he finds a common heart forever.


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That's so true. Not just love though. Also other feelings. Everytime strong emotions re involved, we tend to get hurt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't feel love brings hurt, if someone you love hurt you the love you have for the person should conquer and not hurt you instead

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is why the action we often take is a risk that we must take whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love sometimes is pain but it is still the best feeling we can have to someone and to everyone who's close to our hearts. However we should always be ready and accept the fact that sometimes we also get hurt because of love and too much love can literally kill anyone because of the unbearable pain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very appropriate, sometimes when we break up with someone then our intention to replace it without us realizing the burden and pressure in our hearts is getting bigger for us to feel.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Live faces pain, so if we are hurt we are inlove

$ 0.00
2 years ago

very true, that's the risk that must be accepted by someone who wants to live with love because the shadow of heartache will continue to be a part of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pain is part of loving. Since falling inlove is investment, we should be ready to lost as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's how love will not be forever the journey is always smooth there are times we will feel the loss and departure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago