I'm Finally Starting My Journey in Hive.

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Avatar for nheng1118
1 year ago

Tuesday. September 20, 2022

In the few months that I have been inactive with my social activities. I have missed a lot of opportunities. Opportunities that I deeply regret but I can't take back. So maybe it's time for me to bounce back. I need to pick up all the pieces so I can be whole again.

So now, I'm trying to get back to my social activities. Aside from starting to be active in noise.cash and read.cash, I'm now trying to explore the Hive Community too. I have seen and read a lot about Hive and I have a lot of friends who are already starting their journey there, so I just thought why don't I try to start my journey there too? It's my chance to get back on track and be active again. Plus a big opportunity for me too.

Fake User.
Fake User.

It's funny how I decided to start writing there in Hive. I wanted to register there for a long time but I just didn't have time, because I was too busy in my personal life, then I also became lazy in writing so even here in read and noise I became inactive. But when I saw sis @bmjc98's Someone Stole My AxieBCH-Related Articles And Made Money On Hive about the scammer who made a ton of fake accounts and plagiarized Articles of some users here including me. I immediately checked that account and saw that he/she made $29.4 using my name.

Since I'm already there browsing, I decided to make an account too but, sadly, I can't use my handle name "nheng1118" already since that scammer already uses it to scam people. I have no choice but to add my birth year together with my handle name. While browsing Hive and some Articles there, it seems like a good platform that helps Content Creators to earn more. Now I know why this scammer worked hard to make tons of accounts. Just check Hive a bit, because it's still very confusing. I guess many twists and turns need to be learned.

Despite my confusion on the site, I decided to start writing there because I also want to clear my name even though the fake accounts using our names have been posted there for a long time. I also asked sis MJ how to clear my name and she said that I should first write about the Scammer who used my name. So that's what I did. And that's probably the beginning of my journey in Hive, lol. Some users (I don't know if they are just members or admins) gave me a warm welcome there. It feels good to be part of Hive. After my 1st post about the scammer, I tried to write a formal introductory post as a newbie there, but I don't why I can't post anymore. It keeps saying "Insufficient Resource Credit" and I really don't know what it means (newbie problems, lol). So I decided to ask MJ via noise.app but apparently she's offline there so I just sent a message to Miss TraciYorkWriter via Twitter, and it's cool because she didn't just answer my questions she also gave me HP (Hive Power). So there, I finally posted my 2nd post and I can also comment with others now too.

So I guess I'm an official Hiver now too, got 2 posts already, lol. I was also happy with the reward I received for my Introductory Post. I received $18.76 in tips from other members. What a warm welcome indeed. Hopefully, this is the beginning of my continued writing. Especially now that I really need to have my own income again. I badly need to get back on track and regain my enthusiasm for grinding. Not only for myself but also for my family.

See you there in Hive guys feel free to follow or drop by my Articles there too. I already followed some of my friends there, but can't still find the others, lol. Good luck with my new journey, and also with read and noise. Good luck also to everyone who's already started their journey there. See yah and God Bless us all.

$ 1.45
$ 1.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @bmjc98
$ 0.03 from @fantagira
+ 1
Sponsors of nheng1118
Avatar for nheng1118
1 year ago


Active ka dun sis? Sa october na ako mag active. Di ko pa kaya mag multi-task. Not sure if na follow na kita kasi di ko pa na open. HEHE. Follow kita dun pag nag active ako ulit. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hindi pa masyado sis naguguluhan pa kasi ako dun hahaha..dami ko di maintindihan hahahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I saw you there. That such a big luck to get delegations from traciyork, since she is onw of the Curators of OCD community. Congrats on clearing your name and getting back your good reputations, Sis. One more thing, though the resource credits regenerates everyday, you still have to use it wisely. Traciyork is right, you should power up more to have more resource credits which enables you to move freely in the platform. If you have questions, just feel free to ask in the Discord server of HivePH.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome sa Hive, Ateee! ✨ More blogs, rewards & other opportunities pa sana.

Anyways, same prob 'nung first na nag-attempt ako na mag-publish, Ate. "Insufficient Resource Credits" din, but what I did is nag-Power Up na lang ako.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hindi ko pa din Alam pano mag power up dun bhe hahaha..ignorante much talaga πŸ™ˆπŸ˜…

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All the best in your Hive journey sis! Maybe I'll join you soon πŸ˜‰πŸ’™

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you sis..yeah join us there too sis 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

See you there sis!Mitch18 ako dun medyo unmotivated ako dun kasi biglang hindi na ako napansin ng mga curator ,more than 1 week naπŸ˜₯pero patuloy parin ako dun😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Aw tuloy-tuloy lang sis parent dito sa read.cash 😊 same with me pilitin ko magtuloy-tuloy dun at dito pareho..labarn lang..

Ano nga pala ibig sabihin ng curator dun? πŸ™ˆπŸ€£

$ 0.00
1 year ago