Always Lights Off!
May 13, 2022
Haffy Happy Friday the 13th fam..I clumsily type my greetings that's why I misspelled the first word I was about to say lol!
The weather is gloomy same as the market are having mood swings too. But there's nothing to be afraid of, I may not know a lot about the bear market but I know BCH will pump again, real hard like double or triple or multiply to the nth power.
I just read my baby @BreadChamp 's article about a prompt and since I don' t want you to be so done over my nonsensical self, I will be going to answer this and I hope I can satisfy my self with the answer lol! And so let's start the fun, for todays vidwoyyyy...ay mali...sorry hahaha
Lights on or Lights off
It's always lights off, practically I want to save electricity and also I can't sleep with the lights on. Me and my son are the same. It also bother's me if there's light since my eyes can't stand too much light ugh..
Light or Heavy sleeper?
It depends on the place I am in. If I'm in the office I'm a light sleeper but when I'm at home I sleep for like nine hours max lol! I still can't find the reason why I can't sleep longer than three hours here in the office but I can sleep long hours at home. Or maybe because I'm in my own room and no one bothers me. I don't even know at all.
Fan or no Fan?
I am using fan at home. Aside from the humidity, I use fan to shoo the mosquitos away especially if my little niece don't use her little mosquito net. My son also can't sleep at night if there's no fan as he sweats a bucket.
One or Several Pillows?
Me and my son has three pillows each aside from his teddy bears that he's hugging. We have a very cute bed but the pillows are a must.
A little trivia about us is me and my son always bicker for I don't like it when he's putting his feet on the pillow. I once scold him when he is jumping and stomping on his head pillow and he realized that I really am serious with treating the pillows as his friends lol! I just don't like it when the pillows in bed are used to support the feet or something like that. Call me weird but I got it from Granny.
Early in bed or Late sleeper?
Oh I'm a late sleeper then and now. It became a habit of mine to sleep mostly midnight. Not because I'm busy with work and stuff it's just my body clock is abnormal because if I go to bed early I would woke up in the middle of the night or at two in the morning and can't go back to sleep anymore and it's really annoying. I only can sleep early if I'm sick.
Thin or thick blanket?
None. I have a thin blanket but we don't usually use it. Mum prefer a bed with a blanket so I just put it under my pillow. My son usually sweats with even a close contact with clothes so having a blanket over him will make him more uncomfortable. Same with me as I prefer to sleep with no blanket and no hassle. This apply on both dry and wet season.
PJ or Comfy Clothes?
Both. I always use PJ's when I'm at home and an oversize shirt as a pair. Mum always scold me as I look like sampayan or clothesline. Well, it's my normal attire at home and I don't usually come out so I don't mind it.
Drink Milk or Water?
I prefer water. I'm not fond of drinking milk especially at home. In my bedside I always have a water jug in case my son wants a drink. Before I only put up one bottled water but my son always drink it all with no left for me so I change the container into a bigger one for the both of us. I also read from a study that drinking water before bed prevents dehydration while you sleep, and it also helps induce sleepiness.
Yay! I made it. I'm glad I read baby's article beforehand that it give me the go signal to join this prompt. Thank you baby for saving me this time. I owe you a bucket of kisses and hugs and I'll give it to you when we meet hehehe.
Thank you for reading.
Be Blessed and be a blessing!
I can say that it depends on my mood, I can sleep with the lights on or off, but I can feel it's hotter when the lights are on. Also I am not a fan of using electric fans at night, I feel uneasy using it. Haha