At last, I encountered (*・ω・)ノ ルンルン♪

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3 years ago

I have been beware of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general presuming that they were very fishy stuff which you will lose your whole money eventually if you get involved. However, as I got to know more about it, the state of alertness towards Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has been shifted and transformed into “curiosity” instead. I started thinking that I should not doubt them without knowing anything, but I should learn about them first. Darn the mass media! Do not trust what the others say about them, but let’s learn about them first.


Decided to read the Bitcoin white paper

Then I decided to read the Bitcoin white paper, but it was too difficult for me to understand and digest in my head due to the lack of my digital literacy. Bitcoin is one of the digital currencies, but I did know very little about digital.  ρ(тωт`) イジイジ…


Bitcoin white paper

As I wrote in the previous stories in my blog, I am not a tech person at all. I have never been in the tech industry, or I have never been interested in the digital field. Too difficult for me to understand! That was how I saw the field of it. Well, thanks to Google and YouTube, and other social media, I started learning about cryptocurrencies as well as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.


There are some problems I faced…

1.    I have little money to spend, or I do not want to spend any, if it is possible.

2.    I do not have much time to spend learning about them.

3.    I want to learn something very basic. I have no digital literacy.


I think many of us are either a student or have a job to work. I am guessing that many of us who visit this site are like me who just want to learn or get some extra information about cryptocurrencies, but we all are busy that cannot spend so much time on cryptocurrencies every day! So, I was like, well, I want to learn about cryptocurrencies if it is “Free of charge”, “Not too long for each lesson”, and “Something I can learn while I have some free time”. (人´3`*)フンフフ~ン♪


I searched which website or YouTube channel fit these criteria I have. Many of the channels on YouTube when I searched “Bitcoin”, all I could find were something about how to invest, how to earn money, and for forth. I was looking for something more basic, easier for me to understand who do not know about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in general.  And, I found very good channels for me to satisfy these criteria.


Useful channels to learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

1.       Blockchain at Berkeley (1)

It is a YouTube channel, which provides some Bitcoin lectures. I watched it as BGM first as I work at home. LOL. Then, I watched them again. I chose Berkeley because it sounds smart. LOL.


2. (2) (YouTube channel, as well as website) on YouTube

This YouTube channel provides very basic knowledge about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Also, there are many interviews with crypto people who have been in this field for a long time. I got to know Roger Ver through this channel. I did not know was sponsored by him and Bitcoin Cash at first.  ( *´艸)クスクス Also I would like to recommend a website, to get some basic knowledge. It is too bad that there is no website in Japanese. ρ(тωт) イジイジ… I can help you maybe.


I have decided to watch one video every day while I have some free time hoping that this will increase my basic digital literacy. Also, I got to know about a YouTuber, Atsuhiko Nakata who used to be a comedian and has become a YouTuber living in Singapore. He posted about cryptocurrencies a couple of years ago, and it was very interesting to watch his channel.


Introduction of cryptocurrencies on Atsuhiko Nakata´s YouTube channel. (4) (Too bad that he only posts it in Japanese… ィィモン-|o´・ε・`o|-プゥ

*History of money*


1.       Started as exchange and barter goods

(Ex, foods into clothes and clothes into woods, etc.)

2.       Shells, gold and silver (Ex、Humans started to store wealth)

3.       Paper-based money (Ex、 Nations started to issue based on its trust)

4.       Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash. (Decentralized! We will see!)


It was fun to watch and I would like to write about his channel some other time.


As I wrote in my previous story, Andreas Antonopoulos did not take so much time to realize the importance of Bitcoin, as well as Roger Ver. But, for me, I am still learning about it. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノキャッキャ♪ My encounter with Bitcoin was not as dramatic as Andreas did, but for me, it got me hooked, for sure. So, I started learning about it in these YouTube channels little by little as long as if it is “For free”, “Do not take too much time” and “Something I can do while I have some free time.” (Around the time, I realized that there is a difference between Bitcoin and blockchain. LOL. I thought they were the same things.)


At last, I encountered! Yay! I encountered it because it is FREE OF CHARGE!! Thank you, Roger! LOL! ( ´艸`)


Mizuo – Mar. 18th, 2021.

Other stories in my blog

1 - Reasons why I started becoming interested in cryptocurrencies.

2 - At last, I encountered Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash!

3 – My first question towards BTC and BCH. What are cryptocurrencies anyways!? 

4 - Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?


1)   Blockchain at Berkeley 

2) - Official YouTube Channel 

3)   Roger Ver (Wikipedia)

4) Atsuhiko Nataka’s YouTube channel about cryptocurrency (Japanese only) 


$ 3.02
$ 3.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
