Men as a best friend

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Avatar for milanlukic
4 years ago

Man as a social being always has some good friends, some and maybe all of them are at least one like this, or more of them ... some man never grew up ...

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Hahaha men will be men..😅

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4 years ago

slozila bih se da neki muskarci nikad ne odrastu, cak rekla bih vecina njih. Ipak to nije lose, dobro je da svakocuva i neguje dete u sebi.

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4 years ago

danas vazi pravilo sto siludji to je zanimljivije

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4 years ago

Hahaha very funny. Every friend circle have this type of friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

right, buth without that life is not be so interested

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4 years ago

This photo really made me laugh! Sometimes, our friends are making fun of us, and they are sometimes annoying us, but real friends are always there for us. Maybe, they are filming us, while we are drunk, but later, we watch that together and laugh.

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4 years ago

Hahahaha... Nice meme dude.. Done subscribing you.. subscribe me back..

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4 years ago

What a funny scene and meme, always having fun with friends was a memorable moments for a person, sorrounded by real friends was a gift to treasure.having that friends.that always at your side in times of problems and troubles, love your friend,as they loved you.

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4 years ago

Plz subscribed

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4 years ago