Chop chicken breasts
Put in a bowl and mix well
Add bread crumbles or flour and mix well
Put on trail and freeze it.
For all those who want to have something in the freezer that is prepared quickly, these so-called chicken nuggets are the right thing to do. The preparation is very simple, because you only need to cut the chicken breast into pieces of equal thickness, season to taste, mix well and add flour or pretzels. You can enrich them by first treating them with flour and then adding an egg and then flour or breadcrumbs again, all by washing only one bowl. When done, arrange on a tray and freeze. Before frying, it is not necessary to defrost them, but frozen only in hot oil and that's it. Preparation for 10 minutes and later storage also for 10 minutes.
Za sve one koji zele da imaju nesto u zamrzivacu sto se brzo sprema ovi takozvani pileci nugeti su prava stvar. Priprema je jako prosta, jer samo treba da isecete pileca prsa na parcice jednake debljine, zacinite po ukusu, dobro promesate i dodate brasno ili prezle. Mozete ih obogatiti time sto ce te ih prvo tretirati brasnom pa dodati jaje pa onda opet brasno ili prezle, i sve to tako da ispraljte samo jednu posudu. Kada zavrsite poredjte na posluzavnik i zamrznite. Pre przenja nije potrebno da ih odledite vec tako zamrznute samo u vruce ulje i to je to. Priprema 10 minuta i kasnije spremanje takodjer 10 minuta.
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