Shut Up and Write

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Avatar for meitanteikudo
2 years ago

It has been a really rough couple of weeks for me both physically and emotionally. There are real things in life that you just wish you can just flush down the drain and you just wish that the saying "out of sight, out of mind" will hold true for everything. But it simply doesn't. But no matter how huge your troubles are or how onerous your situation has become, you will painfully realize that the world goes on, with or without you on board.

So what do you do? You can sulk in your dark lonely room or face the current of time while you dance the boogie of life even though you have a pair of left feet.

I think that what I am facing right now is just gnawing on my creativity and draining my artistic blood. At least I thought that I have both of those things. If you are following me on, you can see that my posts nowadays are just plain noise and are just farts of my brain.

Also, here on this platform, my drafts have been depleted to just a single article because I just had the longest dry days of my stay here. I was not able to write anything for almost a week.

And to tell you the truth, I still find it hard to start anything. I don't have the usual motivation and inspiration that I need to just type away on my keyboard and produce paragraphs that I build slowly word by word.

Just this morning, I tried to sketch off a few scenes to extract even just a single article for the day but the oasis inside of me does not have even a single drop of creative juice. I opened up books and read some passages in an attempt to spark the engine in me, but even a Ferrari would be useless without a drop of fuel in its tank. Alright, spare me the Tesla analogies, even those cars use fuel energy one way or the other.

I scrolled my feed here and visited some articles and I just feel like I'm being hard to myself. Why do these people write so effortlessly and so beautifully while I am here, sitting in front of the computer drawing blank and pulling my hair out?

Writing prompts, I visited them all and nothing is sticking right to me. I just can't hold on to that single sentence that I can consider an opening. I just can't.

I have also resorted to watching videos. Netflix, Youtube, and just random videos on the internet hoping that something can spark a small fire within me that I can use to burn up my passion in writing again and I can just incinerate the surface of my keyboard from the friction of my endless and continuous typing.

But still... I can't.

And then as I was scrolling through the platform's homepage where a lot of relevant articles are posted, something written in color blue caught my eye. And it was just like a sign that I was waiting for all along. It was something that I needed to start. It was the missing piece that completed my motivation and brought back the color in my eyes, and it read "Just Write".

I saw the words when I scrolled past a couple of articles that were submitted to the community Just Write. And then it hit me, why am I saying "I can't" what do I really mean by that? I can't? I can't write? Of course, I can, I have been writing all my life. The only thing to do is to stop reading, stop talking and I should "Shut up and Write". And thanks to that blip on the screen. I did.

Hence, this article.

Hi there!!!

Oh boy! What a day, what a week, what a month, what a year?! 2021 is closing and I still can't believe everything that's happening. It's 2022 already? What on Earth was that sorcery!

I am just glad that I was able to complete this one. I really needed that push. Just write, that's funny. Just a simple phrase and it had a huge impact on my motivation. I may not be inspired but at least I was able to start, I was able to complete, and I was able to published this one.

And to you, who's been there for better or for worse, thank you so much and I appreciate you, always. And until we write again ...


Author's Links

Noise :



Twitter : boynextdoor1409

Series    : Random Articles
Title     : Shut Up and Write
Published : 06-Dec-2021
Author :  © RB

$ 9.73
$ 9.52 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pantera
$ 0.05 from @Crackers
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Avatar for meitanteikudo
2 years ago


Just keep going. its hard in the beginning just believe on yourself. and creat the best version out of you 😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you for such kind words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really hard in the beginning but just keep going and do your best..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's only hard in the beginning to create out the best

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yep, that's quite true. SO... just write.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is just hard in the first place after that thoughts will come up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahah that's definitely true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Any suggestions for this noob? It's been two month but mr rusty won’t see me 🙂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think you just have to write and write and enjoy it..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Start lang talaga ang pinaka mahirap Sir😅

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha as in..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me reads title and replies

Okay Ma'am ....

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe :) effective eh??

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha super effective sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is only hard in the beginning. I hope you get your creative juice back.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Heheh maybe.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The starts is only hard in writing. When you start the writings the idea will quickly come up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The hard thing to do in writing up something is really to start or to create what's best to come up with.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's why we should keep writing.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes indeed

$ 0.00
2 years ago