That was what I usually hear from friends who tried to coax me to drink alcohol. Is it really?
The truth is, I do not think it is just a drink. It is a liquid that burns your throat and turns you into a different person if you drink more than what your body can handle.
I have seen people thinking they are charming after a few drinks and for those who cannot handle alcohol, it takes just 1 drink or less for them to start feeling the effects of alcohol, without them realizing it and for the rest of us to see the effects of alcohol on them.
Alcohol messes with people's judgement and sanity, not forgetting their internal organs such as the liver. It is as though alcohol could release them from all their worries, to be free as a bird, without any thought or care of people around.
Some would start to act and talk funny, some would giggle non stop and some would keep quiet or fall asleep. Some might even eat cigarette ashes thinking it was food. Some would need people to support them as they walk to call for a cab. It might look hilarious but it is not. If it turns into an addiction, it definitely isn't funny anymore.
And the most dangerous ones are those who turn violent and start to hit the ones closest to them or those who think that they are fit to drive because not only do they endanger themselves, they endanger the lives of others too.
Image by chuttersnap on Unsplash
Timer set: 10 minutes
Timer: mobile phone
Translator: none
Grammar tool/s: none
Writing device/s: laptop and mobile
This is my 1st entry to the 1st Contest Freewriting.
The topic of this contest
alcohol effects
(What are the effects of alcohol?)
The prompts are
ashes - charming - release - perplex - support - worm
(You have to use at least 3 out of 6.)
What I hate most about drunk people are those who can't even remember that they have caused someone else big trouble while they are drunk and goes on like nothing bad happened the moment they wake up the next morning.
By the way, have you submitted this to the Freewriting contest community?