It is known that the best ajvar is made in Macedonia. Real ajvar is made only from peppers. If you add tomatoes and hot peppers to peppers, it is lutenka, if you add eggplant, carrots, it is pindzur. So real Macedonian ajvar is made from fleshy peppers, oil, salt, vinegar and a little seqera.This is your recipe for the ideal error-
Macedonian ajvar old recipe
5kg paprika
250ml of oil
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
Adjust the ingredients according to the amount of peppers. This recipe is 25 kg
We always buy medium-sized peppers, not the big ones, they are very fleshy because they contain a lot of water. Here is a picture of what the peppers we use look like.
Wash the peppers well, wipe them and put them to bake. Roast them well on all sides and put them in plastic bags to make them easier to peel. When you have finished baking, peel the peppers and clean the seeds well. Put them in a mesh bag to you drain overnight.
The next day, grind the drained peppers on a grinding machine. I grind them larger so the ajvar is better. When you have finished grinding the peppers, oil a little sickle and put the peppers in a frying pan. to heat well. While the oil is heating, you mix the peppers in a sieve on a medium heat, not on a high heat, it takes about 20 minutes. Then pour the heated oil on the peppers and stir on a medium heat all the time
Half an hour before the end of frying, put the jars in the oven at 100C. Just before the end of frying, add salt, sugar and vinegar and pour the hot ajvar into the hot jars.
Bon Appetite
Makedonski ajvar stari recept
Poznato je da se najbolji ajvar pravi u Makedoniji. Pravi ajvar radi se samo od paprike. Ako paprici dodate rajčicu i ljutu papriku, to je lutenka, ako dodate patlidžan, mrkvu, to je pindzur. Tako se pravi makedonski ajvar pravi od mesnate paprike, ulja, soli, octa i malo sekvere. Ovo je vaš recept za idealnu pogrešku - stari makedonski ajvar
besplatni ajvar
Paprika od 5 kg
250ml ulja
1 žlica soli
1 žlica vinskog octa
1 žličica šećera
Sastojke prilagodite količini paprike. Ovaj recept je 25 kg
Uvijek kupujemo srednje velike paprike, a ne one velike, vrlo su mesnate jer sadrže puno vode. Evo slike kako izgleda paprika koju koristimo.
Paprike dobro operite, obrišite i stavite da se peku. Dobro ih ispecite sa svih strana i stavite u plastične vrećice da se lakše oljušte. Kad završite s pečenjem, ogulite papriku i dobro očistite sjemenke. Stavite ih u mrežastu vrećicu da se cijedi preko noći.
Sljedeći dan ocijeđenu papriku sameljite na stroju za mljevenje. Mljelim ih veće pa je ajvar bolji. Kad završite s mljevenjem paprike, nauljite malo srpa i stavite papriku u tavu. dobro zagrijati. Dok se ulje zagrijava, papriku umiješajte u sito na srednje jakoj vatri, a ne na jakoj vatri, potrebno je oko 20 minuta. Zatim na paprike ulijte zagrijano ulje i cijelo vrijeme miješajte na srednje jakoj vatri
Pola sata prije kraja prženja stavite staklenke u pećnicu na 100C. Pred sam kraj prženja dodajte sol, šećer i ocat te u vruće staklenke ulijte vrući ajvar.
dobar tek
My mother is of macedonian origin. She was born in Skopje, my grandmother and uncle still live there, so I am privilaged to taste often your beautiful cousine. Ajvar is the best.