12 reasons to grow mint at home and tutorial on doing this

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Written by
3 years ago

The family Lamiceae has the Mint or menthe plant in this category. And there are even 13-18 kinds of


Mint has a strong smell and taste and we all love it because it is refreshing and tasty. Also it cools and is
used in cosmetics like mouthwash, toothpaste, ointment, bubble bath and more.
Mint is also used for meals, sweet and savory and it has many health benefits too like:
1. Better digestion- mint helps with digestion and has many antioxidants and phytonutrients to
soothe the belly. Also mint smell makes active saliva glands and eases the digestion with more
enzymes. The enzymes loosen the muscles in the belly and stop spasms. the Medical Center of
Maryland University said menthol and methyl salicylate soothes the gut and belly. Make cup of
mint tea after every meal and improve the gut health.
2. For headache and nausea- these can be helped with mint regularly. Due to the taste and smell,
this is good for external use too. Rube the nose and forehead with mint leaves and be relieved.
3. For hiccups- this happens with extra air in the belly and lungs, so have mint water and stop this.
Backyard Medicine said hiccups are resolved with mint consuming.
4. Better breastfeeding- breastfeeding problems like tenderness, discomfort, pain in breasts and
nipples can be cured with rubbing mint leaf or mint tea. Studies proved that mint is amazing for
this use.
5. Ameliorating memory- as many studies said, mint is amazing for aromatherapy and thinking or
memorizing. This removes forgetfulness so make mint tea every day. Also leave the leaves
around the house for more energy.
6. For cough and breathing issues- since the smell is amazing and strong, breathing gets improved
and cough and cold get treated too. Get cream with mint to rub on the chest and also use fresh
leaves too. For breathing issues, inhale mint tea steam and have mint tea daily.
7. Weight loss- mint makes more digestion enzymes and helps food work in the gut, so it makes
weight loss too. Have mint daily and turn fat to energy.
8. Better immunity- many nutrients are in the mint leaf, like calcium, phosphorus, vitamins D, C, E,
B complex. All make immunity better and stop cold or infections.
9. Cancer dealing- a study proved that mint can influence cancer of the liver, colon, lungs and skin.
This leaf has phytochemicals and ceases the blood for tumor growth.
10. Removal of asthma- mint is amazing for breathing problems so this goes for asthma too. It has
rosmarinic acid that has antioxidants and stops allergies and leukotrienes.
11. Boosted mood- if you smell mint leaf, you already feel better and fresh or energized. This
removes anxiety and stress and you make more serotonin. If you have bad mood, smell some
mint or relax in mint bath.
12. Better oral health- mint leaf also removes bacteria and inflammation, so it can protect the oral
cavity too. Rub mint leaves on gums and teeth for a few minutes.

This plant is easy for growing. It has specific roots named runners since the new leaves go along the
growing roots. Plant these leaves in separate pots since they need lots of space for growth.
Use mint seeds for replanting. The 2 nd option is much better. For this, get water retaining pot 12-16 inch
wide, potting soil and the mint plant.
The plant needs sunlight and watering often.
Trim the plant to 6 inches height and this will make a bush to stop extending in other directions. Keep in
mind to trim the flower buds to keep the plant in place. Also know that you should NOT harvest more
than 1/3 of the leaf to avoid losing the whole plant. Dry off the leaves you pick and hang them upside
down on a tray to dry off some more.
Use of mint
Use mint for many uses. For cooking, as aromatic for drinks, for cosmetics and curing too.

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Avatar for lea965
Written by
3 years ago


A za one koji ne znaju da menta nije isto sto i nana, to su dve razlicite biljke, razlikuju se u svemu, od lista stabljike i mirisa, cak je i ukus drugaciji kad se suva caj, imam obe biljke posadjene,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja to neznam dal nije isto nana i menta, samo znam kad kupim caj od jedne strane pise nane, od druge strane kutije pise menta, pa sad mozda ni oni neznaju da nije isto nana i menta, ja mislim da je pa sad .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nemaju oni pojma, ne znam ni kako bi na engleskom napisali nana zato moraju menta, ali trebala sam da slikam kad je mama ubrala i rekla, vidi razliku izmedju nane i mente, :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Postoje različite, tako je. Ali obje se nazivaju nana i obje menta. Mislim, sinonimi su, a i ja bih rekao na onu nježnijih listova da je nana. A onu s dlačicama po listovima, da je menta. Međutim, odeš na drugi kraj mjesta, ulice, nazivaju oboje s oba imena.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Did you know that mint is one of the most antioxidant herbs? So many times he has sent for various exotic superfoods, and we ignore what can be next to our garden or even the balcony. Add mint to the water you drink as well as various foods. It goes well with potatoes, meat, risottos, salads Always add mint completely at the end of cooking. If you need to store it, do so in a plastic bag. Thus closed, it can last in the refrigerator for a week. If you grow it yourself, plant it in smaller pots and place it on a sunny shelf. It is also positive that it will repel flies. When chopping it, do so with a sharp knife. If you use a blunt, a lot of the flavor will stay on the knife and board.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Menta ili nana je višegodišnja biljka, a njeno uzgajanje je vrlo jednostavno. Može da se gaji u svim oblastima kontinentalne klime i potrebne su joj velike količine vode i sunca.

Uz sitne smaragdnozelene listove krase je i ljupki, ljubičasti cvetići, a u zavisnosti od vrste raste u visinu između 60 i 90 santimetara. Menta ima veoma osvežavajući miris i ukus i zato je odličan izbor ne samo za baštu već i za stan.Pijem,čaj,stavljam isto u pasulj,volim taj miris...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nisam znala da ima bas ovoliko koristi od ove biljke. Eto, post ti je veoma koristan. Nekako ja ovu biljku ne koristim cesto, ali moracu da promenim nesto po tom pitanju. Hvala ti za informaciju

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja sam ranije pisala blog o cajevima,svim biljkama,jeste drugacije izgleda ali su iz iste porodice nana,tako da imaju i treci naziv pepermint,ima applemint,spearmint,tako da je to sve nana.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Eto, sve vreme i ja zivim u zabludi da je nana i menta isto, dok nisam procitala jedan komentar ispod. Ne znam zasto onda na caju na jednoj strani pise nana, a na drugoj menta

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kiša pada,trava raste,ja ju sušim pa ju pušim....hihi...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Prekrasen tekst Bobi. za negovata korist se znae mnogu odamna, pa zatoa vo sekoe domakinstvo se koristi mnogu cesto kako zacin, a mnogu domakinki si go imaat zasadeno vo svoite domovi, i vo sekoe vreme go imaat svezo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sto bi se reklo, i miris i ukus :) podelio si vrlo detaljno uputstsvo i korisne informacije. Bilo bi zanimljivo da posadim malo, makar saksija

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Divnog i osvježavajućeg mirisa, metvica je jedan od onih začina za koje rijetki mogu reći da im se ne sviđa! Možda smo najviše na nju navikli jer se nalazi u 90 posto svih žvakaćih guma, no prava je istina da bismo je trebali konzumirati svježu zbog njenih zdravstvenih dobrobiti. A njima gotovo da i nema kraja!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Volim nanu ali iskljucivo u obliku caja, ne svidja mi se kada se koristi kao zacinsko bilje, i to mi je bas cudno ali tako je.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Crni patuljak čeka u šumi, grabi vas za vrat svakih sat vremena. Živi sat vam navija i naplaćuje te drenovkom. Sada je vaš red, patuljak već svrbi prste!

Ali ako te patuljak ne uhvati, Teta Pehta vas uhvati, zadaviti te za ručak, odloži na večeru. Sada je vaš red, Pehto već svrbi prste!

Pehta je travarica iz filma Kekec

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Brate odlicen post, nemam vreme se da procitam hahaha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pisite malo duze komentare u vasu korist je kolko duze komentare tolko vise poena dobijate, tako da znate.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

menta je menta

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pio sam fenomenalan sok, od nane, limuna i kockica leda. Pravo godi u ljetnim danima. Nana-menta.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

U taj sok se dodaju jos i kolutovi krastavca i to se zove sasi voda, pomaze u detoksikaciji tela, topljjenje masnoca, dobro je za skidanje kilograma, to se sve stavi u vodu uvece i hladi u frizideru, a sutra dan to da se popije , pa uvece opet da se stavi nova tura. a za vrucinu je melem.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nana i menta su razlicite biljke, ja imam posadjene obe, i velika je razlika u listu, stabljici i u mirisu , i ja sam mislila pre da je nana i menta ista biljka.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

zar je nana i menta isto?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

da isto je zavisi gde kako se zove kod nas u makedonija se zove nane, u srbiji menta , taka da svuda ima razlicit naziv

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3 years ago

i u bosni je nana nana samo nisam znao da je to menta :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice article..

$ 0.00
3 years ago