Appropriate Technologies in Agricultural Mechanization

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4 years ago

Good day everyone! Its @ladyhanabi again, bringing agriculture in your reach!

So today, I'll talk about Appropriate Technologies in Agricultural Mechanization and will be giving examples in five (5) different fields of specializations in agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

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What is appropriate technology?

As defined by the Pachama Alliance “appropriate technology is an ideological movement that involves small-scale, labor-intensive, energy efficient, environmentally sound, people-centered, and locally controlled projects.”

Appropriate technology projects:

 use local materials and people-power often taking the form of “earth building”

 are culturally sensitive

 Have been requested by locals to fill a self-identified need

 Involve interactive collaboration where both parties grow and develop from the


What are the factors to consider in choosing technology?

According to Seth Pearce (2016) there are 14 aspects to consider in equipment selection such as:

1. Cost

2. Suitability

3. Constructability due to schedule, lead time, start-up/commission

4. Ease and cost of operations and maintenance

5. Total cost of ownership

6. Experience and reputation of the equipment manufacturer

7. Impact on other building design elements (size, location, interference)

8. Noise criteria

9. Lifespan

10. Energy benefits (code requirements,

energy efficiency, or value of the


11. Scalability, staging, and modularity

of equipment

12. Redundancy and failure-node risk

13. Environmental health attributes

14. Safety

What is Agricultural Mechanization?


Mechanization covers all levels of farming and processing technologies, from simple and basic hand tools to more sophisticated and motorized equipment. It eases and reduces hard labour, relieves labour shortages, improves productivity and timeliness of agricultural operations, improves the efficient use of resources, enhances market access and contributes to mitigating climate related hazards. Sustainable mechanization considers technological, economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects when contributing to the sustainable development of the food and agricultural sector.


Agrometeorology deals with the weather sensitive elements of agriculture. By studying and examining the relationship between the soil, plant and atmosphere, agricultural interests are able to enhance and increase production. Some of the most studied weather related variables include:precipitation, sunlight, and temperature. Agriculture is highly dependent upon weather patterns.

Soil Temperature Meter


According to the RA 10915 Agricultural and Biosystems Power and Machineryrefers to farm power and machinery for the production,harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture, preserving,transporting and distribution of agricultural and biological products/materials and includes, but is not Umited to, tractors and their attachments, power tillers, seeders, transplanters,windmills, harvesting machines, crop protection and maintenance equipment, irrigation equipment and accessories,greenhouses and other thermal conditioning equipment,livestock, poultry, fishery and forest equipment, slaughtering equipment, meat/fishery and crop processing equipment, post-harvest machines such as milling machines, dryers,threshers, grain and other strippers, agricultural transport machinery and storage.

Welding Machine


The Irrigation and Drainage Engineering is the field where the application of engineering principles to support useful plant life, with minimum degradation of soil and water resources. The primary objective is to understand soil, water and plant relationships and how they can be applied to better manage natural resources in the production of food and fiber. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering program, especially at the graduate level, is structured to be interdisciplinary.

Pelton Wheel Turbine Test Rig and Pipe Friction Apparatus


Soil and water conservation engineering is the application of engineering principles to the solution of soil and water management problems. The conservation of these vital resources implies utilization without waste so as to make possible a high level of production which can be continued indefinitely.

Water Test Kit and CN Elemental Anakyzer


As defined by the RA 10915, Agricultural and Biosystems Buildings and Structures refer to buildings and structures for the production, harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture, preserving, transporting and distribution of agricultural and biological products/materials and includes, but is not limited to, agricultural and biosystems machinery and equipment, structure, farm equipment, farm supplies, and other structures, soil and water conservation structures. Such agricultural and biosystems building and structures are located in rural or urban areas, small scale or commercial scale in nature.

Cement Compression Testing Machine and Cement Autoclave

That's it! Hope you have learned something from this article.

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Have a nice day ahead!

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Avatar for ladyhanabi
4 years ago


Very nice!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. I hope you really took time to read the whole article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very nice @ladyhanbi I like the way you described the various points here. Can I ask, are you using any platform or a way to connect & share your knowledge with the farmers ? (Just concerned)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for the commendation. Actually is the first (I hope not only) platform that I use to share these stuff about agriculture. I actually also want to cater business-oriented people to be able to persuade them in supporting or investing in agricultural sector.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well in that case best of luck & keep doing what you're doing, it's really great 👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks! This means a lot. I'm actually afraid that people might just ignore my articles since its about agriculture but thanks to you I feel more motivated!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Don't be afraid, who knows one day you'll be the person who reforms the whole agricultural sector of your country.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope so. As an ABE student, we always get to be discriminated by other engineering courses. But what else can we do? Promoting and changing perspectives is the only way FOR NOW to reach others since even our government does not give so much attention to this sector even if we are an agricultural country. I feel bad for the wasted resources.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think you've made your mind by meeting some stubborn engineering students. Trust me me & my team talk on from nlp to small retail traders. And about your government, we're in 21st century, it's globalisation once you get the right idea,path & team then there are hundreds of investors to invest in you, so don't worry about external things. Just keep working & learning.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Waah this is really uplifting. Thanks a lot for the words of encouragement 😍😭 I'll just do my best.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good luck 👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for was helpful

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes. I hope that this would reach many people to promote agriculture.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hope the government will also put more attention to agricultural sector. Coz for me Agriculture is the hope of our nation. 🙂

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed. Only if the Government would support in this mechanization then we could really empower the farmers and hopefully rise!

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hai. Hahaha have you read my article entitled "Agriculture: Rise and Race"?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

No, not yet Madam. Maybe tomorrow I'll read it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yey thanks! I hope you'll enjoy my article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's a nice article and I wonder for whom you are writing it.

"Mechanization" means to me machines and a hand tool has nothing to do with mechanization which makes life/farming way easier.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am writing this for the youth and business-oriented people to persuade them to invest in agricultural sector. Well, we are already in the 21st century, and as an aspiring Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer our job is to make farming easier.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope the youth takes the time to read this. It's very informative. A bit mechanic help makes farming easier and it saves the back for sure. 👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed. I'm glad you enjoyed my article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Young people nowadays don't have interest in agriculture. I'm happy that you are. I'll tell you there's money in agriculture. Farm land is my first investment, I'm happy I did it. I wonder what region in the country you live?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm from Masbate, Bicol Region. I just hope that many people like you would invest in agriculture.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is great dear! Way to gooo to promote our course❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yep! Anything for ABE!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Technology is doing great works

$ 0.00
4 years ago

And helping us to achieve great things, easier and better

$ 0.00
4 years ago