How I spend $1000000 within 24 hrs

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Avatar for kaluorjisamuel
2 years ago

February 8.

Good morning everyone.

I got shocked and happy to be inspired by this two blogs from @BCH_LOVER and @yhanne on how they will spend $1000000 within 24 hrs. Then, I decided to write mine to answer their questions below this articles.

Spending money is never difficult no matter how much it is. But to make a fraction out of the money is very difficult and tiresome. One can finish any amount on luxuriously and make a huge population of friends within seconds but feel very alone and empty whenever it is all gone. To be sustainable, setting up an investment plan and funding them too is very easy within 24 hrs because there are many dreams plans of investment already that needed funds.

Now, Let's discuss how I will spend this amount of money within 24 hrs. Firstly, I will invest more on cryptocurrencies. Recently, I came to know of Bitcoin cash. Being newbie of two weeks journey here have been awesome to me, I saw a greater opportunities and greener pastures too. If I can invest and hodled this coin - BCH for some time, I will make more money. My Reason for investment is not unreasonable because coming from lowest economic state is not a joke. Suffering and huge economic woes have dealt with me seriously, investing a part of that money will make me from my economic woes and help my family, relatives and unborn generations too to be totally free from our perennial economic status.

Secondly, I will build a new home for my family. My family lost our home during crisis.

My dream house. [Picture From internet](

A house of our own will give us a sense of comfort and security. Building such an edifice will keep us together in unity as a family. We all will have luxurious rooms for everyone and enough spaces for relaxation both interiorly and exteriorly. It will be easier to contact the building contractors because there is enough money to achieve this dream house and a parcel of land already for the construction.

Thirdly, I will register my business conglomerate. Plying in this business of groceries for long without being a legal entity is not good to me again. Paying taxes and getting leverages from Governmental agencies too will be helpful. Being born and bred in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria is an advantage for me to be an astute business man. Our city is one of the commercial and industrial hub in my country and Africa, investing more on them and hiring more hands will be a boost to our economy.

Fourthly, i will take my family to one of my favorite resort centres. [Obudu Mountain Resort]( There are many resorts centres in my country and worldwide but I chose there for good reasons of mine. One, I love being closer to the nature. Obudu Mountain Resort will afford me that great pleasure. Second, it will boost my country GDP. When we spend our money in our country, it will boost our economic growth and put food to our people.

One of picture of the Obudu Mountain Resort.

Honestly, I have never been there and other Resorts apart from visiting Olumu Rock very shortly. I will enjoy spending some of that money there with my people for weeks. A stay there will be refreshing due to its natural sceneries and take our minds away from the problems of urban areas.

Fifthly, I will give my family, friends, relatives and neighbors some fractions of the money. Being wealthy and having very poor siblings, friends, relatives and neighbors is not good at all because the relationship will be parasitic in nature. But getting them equipped financially, will give me more peace. They are many, but giving them carefully will do the magic.

Sixthly, I will help my government through my non-profit organizations that I will establish. Provision of social amenities is a core role of government but what if there is a helping hand to them? It will be good as it will enhances their services, build new ones more convenience to people and efficient governance too.


Having cash is very helpful because one's existence depends on the essentials that money can buy. Being happy and secure is very important and highly attainable when there's cash.


Thanks so much for reading but to read more about this from my motivators. Check out their blogs [article from @BCH_LOVER ]( and [article from @yhanne](

$ 0.06
$ 0.03 from @yhanne
$ 0.02 from @BCH_LOVER
$ 0.01 from @ALDEC314
Avatar for kaluorjisamuel
2 years ago


Very realistic plans. But if I will be asked same question, I will include to donate my Church. Or invest money to some charity foundations. God bless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are good spirited person. Everyone will rejoice with you with these great plans

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have many plans how to handle that cash.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's alright. Your plans are awesome too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I find it nice on how you will spend such big amount of money. I just found still lacking in it which you have left off. And that is for spiritual investment. Anything we have accumulated in this world cannot be taken into eternity, it will all be left behind on earth. In my personal opinion , if we could invest some of it in God's ministry in this world , for the salvation of souls , more than physical survival , it's results will last for eternity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right. Our spiritual investment is highly needed and aid spiritual growth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that's a great plan. How i wish we really could have that huge amount of money. Surely all our dreams will come true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Soon, we all will have the money to enjoy such great plans

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true. Our dreams and wishes of life are very good. Money should come please. Thanks my friend for being my pacesetter

$ 0.00
2 years ago