An Adventure Starts Today!

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2 years ago
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joow and her life: a random article to beat writer's block.

I was dreaming about my mother, sister, and brother in the kitchen, and they are all talking about mobile data plans, it's silly but I am not sure why they're talking about it. And then just a few minutes into that dream, or so i think, my alarm in the real life blared. It woke me up and the first thing I noticed was the smell of burnt food.

The kitchen is just beside my room, so i yelled and asked if someone is cooking, and if someone is watching the food get cooked. Mom entered my room and said that it was from a while ago. So something did burn.

But I shouldn't really mind because I wouldn't be eating those. Because today is the first day of me going back to diet life!

I will be having oatmeal for my breakfast, just a small bowl of serving. And then in order to fool my tummy into thinking that it's full, I'll be drinking hot coffee. Or hot choco with coffee.

It worked for me before, you know? I can even manage skipping meals, so what more a smaller serving than I usually have? I don't even get hungry when i do it. The only problem is that my appetite is too big. My appetite controls me most of the time and it is quite embarrassing.

So now, I will try again and prove to myself that I am better than my past self. A person who let's food control them. I should also think about my future. I should lose weight, be healthy, and avoid the risk of dying because of a bloodclot or a heart attack. I also don't want to die early. And most importantly, stir away from gluttony.

But, I have to make sure that this weightloss journey won't make me feel like i am stranded in an island or forest, feeling hungry without anything to eat. I should still feel like a decent human who is only stirring away from guilty pleasure.

I should also bear in mind that I am a student. I should diet, but I should not starve myself because I will be needing the energy to perform well.

I also do a lot of house activities, so i should bear in mind that I need food. But not too much. Just enough to keep me going throughout the day.

Ah, the thought of me losing all my excess fat, and finally reaching a normal weight, inspires me to keep this thing going! It's going to be a challenge, but I know that this is going to be worth it.

ENDING THOUGHTS: This was supposed to turn out as a useless article, it was what i was expecting because I started writing this article without a thought in mind. I am glad that it found a rhythm!


- Slowly but surely, you will get there.

- It's like everyday exam in college, so tiring!

- The Sun, The Moon, and The Stupid Me.


KItchen stuff


City by the waters

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2 years ago
