My epic failure and what you’ve learned

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2 years ago

We've all had a few epic failures. Whether it was in business, sports or relationships, we've all had to walk away from something that came close to being our dream. It can be uncomfortable to admit you failed and you might even feel like a loser for having lost at all. But if you don't learn from your mistakes, then you're destined for failure as well as misery.

1. Stop Trying to Avoid Failure

Failure is an integral part of the learning process. It's like a fire drill at school; when you don't take the opportunity to fail, you never learn how to handle failure. It's not that you'll fail more often if you fail more often; it's that without the chance to fail, there won't be any opportunities for success. The best way to avoid failure is by failing early and often: take risks and make mistakes early on, then watch how your mistakes turn into successes later on.

2. Face It and Learn From It

I've been doing this for a while now, and I'm still learning. I do my best to apply what I've learned, but there is no way to know if it will work until you try it out. That's why it's so important to be open to new ideas and try them out, even if they don't work out right away.

You'll have good ideas too, but most of them won't pan out because they're not good enough or they don't fit your life. The difference between these two types of ideas is that the first type will make you happy with yourself for trying something new and the second type will make you unhappy with yourself for not trying something new. If you're only looking for happiness in your life, then you can probably find it from doing things that make you happy internally rather than externally. On the other hand, if your happiness comes from external sources like marrying well or having lots of money or being successful at your job or whatever, then those things are unlikely to make you happy again (and may even make you angrier). So learn from failure as well as success so that when an idea doesn't work out

3. Embrace The Benefits Of Failure

The best way to prepare for failure is to embrace the benefits of failure. Failure is a necessary part of life, so it's okay to let go and release your energy on something that doesn't work out.

Failure is inevitable, but it doesn't have to define you. It's not what happens to you, but how you handle it that matters most.

What are some ways you can embrace the benefits of failure when starting?

Section: 4. Use Failure As An Opportunity To Think Differently

Failure is an opportunity to think differently.

The reality is that most people are afraid of failure. We have all been there, we have all made mistakes and we have all felt embarrassed. But the key is to use failure as an opportunity to think differently.

As humans, we tend to do what has worked in the past and avoid taking risks. However, this creates problems because our brains are programmed to find patterns in everything and then make decisions based on those patterns. For example, if you work at your job for 20 years and you finally get promoted, then you will feel like it was always deserved because it was what you always did. And if someone else comes along after 20 years of working at your job and gets the same promotion as you did, then they must also be an expert at their job because they never had any problems before getting promoted! This can lead to us making decisions based on patterns instead of looking at things objectively or thinking outside of the box.

Section: 5. Expect To Fail A Lot

You will fail a lot. It's inevitable. If you're not failing, there's something wrong with your product or you don't know how to build it. You'll be pushed to the edge of your comfort zone and pushed over it by people who care a lot less about what you think.

You'll work on products that aren't as good as they could be because that's the way it goes in startups. You'll work on products that no one wants because that's the way it goes in startups. You'll put yourself through hell and back for months at a time, stress-eating late into the night while staring at a blank screen and wondering if this is worth it.

But eventually, your product will take off, even if only in a small way. And when it does, every single person who worked on it along with every single person who was part of getting it off the ground will want to do it again — even if they don't realize how much they've learned from their mistakes along the way.

Takeaway: People who continue to fail at things are better positioned for success than those who simply avoid failure at all costs.

The quality of your life is determined by your ability to avoid failure.

This is true for both small failures and big ones. The reason is that the more you fail, the more likely it is that you'll succeed at something.

The opposite is also true: The more you avoid failure, the less likely you are to succeed at anything. If you never try anything new, if you never take a risk and fail, then there's no point in trying anything at all.

People who continue to fail at things are better positioned for success than those who simply avoid failure at all costs. They don't have a problem with fear or doubt because they're not afraid of losing; they're only afraid of failing. And that isn't nearly as dangerous as being afraid of losing! 

So if you want to be successful in life, find a way to fail enough times so that when you finally do succeed (or even just get halfway there), it feels like a huge win!

$ 0.04
$ 0.02 from @JenThoughts
$ 0.01 from @renren16
$ 0.01 from @Sashaa
Avatar for its_arsl
2 years ago


Yes, failure is a part of life and it gives us a lot of lessons to learn. Don't get discourage if it will cross your path, but instead learn to stand up, move on and improve yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thx for sharing your valuable feedback

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure is infact the stepping stone to success. Once you fall, do not feel sad. Just try to raise from where you fell. You will succeed. May be it will take time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thx for sharing your valuable feedback

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure is inevitable, really it is. As human beings, its just a natural occurence dear. But we should make it sure that when we failed, we don't settle for only solving but we should learn to improve and change our ways on embracing each moments of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

no doubt dear I agree with your point of view but I think human beings learn this only in this case when they fail.

$ 0.00
2 years ago