Sound of Life

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2 years ago
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While I was lying on my bed and was trying to sleep but I cannot, thoughts suddenly crossed my mind. I looked at my phone and saw it's 2:59 A.M already. So much thoughts this late that these thoughts couldn't make me go to sleep.

As a woman who is deeply inlove with music, I get this line of thinking how impactful music can bring into an individual's existence... and this article will explain what crossed my mind of how music plays a role in our lives.

Music plays an important role in many aspects of human life. It brings joy and happiness into a person's life. Music is the soul of life and provides us with enormous peace. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Thus, music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.

Music is a soothing sound that is a blend of melodies and harmony. Music can also refer to the art of creating pleasing sounds using a variety of musical instruments.

From the beginning of our lives, we have been immersed in the world of music and magical sounds. Our mother's first lullaby, and the first musical toy, which was carefully hung over the crib and played a nice song. Our childhood, on the other hand, comes to an end, and our childish fantasies fade away. Music, on the other hand, is a constant in our lives. It continues to accompany us everywhere we go, bringing us joy, happiness, and fun, or, on the other hand, plunging us into the world of romantic dreams. Nice music usually elicits favorable emotions, and as a result, it enhances the beauty of life. Even a sorrowful tune possesses a magical force that aids in the opening of our hearts, our innermost thoughts, desires, and experiences, which, once transformed into a melody, can simply leave the depths of the heart, leaving only light and happy memories.

Music is made not merely to entertain people; it also has a profound effect on them, attempting to improve them. Music, for example, would not have been as renowned and well-known over the world if it had not been created with the intention of conveying people's mental and emotional states. Music motivates us to take action, assists us in comprehending what is going on around us, and allows us to better understand ourselves. Music enlivens us and enhances our perfection. When we experience a powerful feeling, such as joy or sadness, worry or happiness, we unconsciously begin to hum or sing a tune or song. Why? Music, more than anything else in the world, represents our mood. Music reminds us of our current sensations, emotions, dreams, and aspirations; it offers us the best, high thoughts, and faith in something good, pure, and bright. It provokes introspection.

Of course, there are works of music today that are solely intended to entertain, compositions that do not include any specific concepts or meanings and lack harmony and beauty. Nonetheless, such items are few and far between. According to Wikipedia, not only classic but also modern music, including modern pop songs, contain the author's feelings and experiences, and each of us will undoubtedly find something familiar in them. After all, music reflects not just our delight, but also our grief and pain.

Music is a constant companion in man's existence. It's difficult to think of existence without music. A life like this would be empty, impoverished, dismal, dull, and useless. Music has the power to evoke kindness, tenderness, and a variety of other desirable character traits, all of which can help us become better people. This suggests that music has the power to rejuvenate and uplift man, allowing him to achieve moral perfection.

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