Equality: Cooking as a Basic Life Skill, Not a Gender Role

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2 years ago
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Cooking is an essential life skill that should be learned by both desi men and women!

Life skills are those abilities that are necessary in our daily lives. To put it another way, 'Life Skills' refers to the abilities required to make the most of one's life.

Life skills are abilities that we employ in our daily actions. In our regular activities, we use a variety of talents that we often do without even realizing it. The activities we are exposed to provide opportunity to learn and build life skills on a regular basis. A foundation of such skills prepares children for independence and business success.

Cooking requires and develops a variety of life skills, including planning, organizing, acquiring food, and preparing snacks and meals. There are also a number of learning outcomes, including healthy eating habits, taking direction, creativity, teamwork, safety, and responsibility.

Food is an essential human necessity, therefore knowing how to prepare it will help you live a better and more enjoyable life. At the very least, you would gain self-sufficiency in terms of feeding yourself.

However, my generation has developed a new attitude about cooking that I find concerning. Both young men and young women suffer from this affliction.

Cooking and cleaning as a woman's work simply does not make sense in today's world. Cooking was once thought to be a talent that only women should possess. This was due to various traditional factors, such as the expectation that males would bring bread to the household and women would perform the housekeeping. However, as time has passed, people's lifestyles have evolved as well. Today, everyone works, regardless of gender; men and women are equally fatigued, and we can't expect women to handle all of the housework. It's challenging for her to balance career and family life on her own.

Because of our culture's ingrained gender stereotypes, I have seen an increasing number of young women consider this basic life skill as a liability. As if defying the patriarchy by only going to school, work etc. is a response to its oppression.

This includes men, who consider it a duty of women in their lives rather than a life skill.

If you can earn a higher education, work in a laboratory, a clinic, perform surgery, account for money, conduct research, work in IT, or teach... you also have the ability to cook.

We pretend to be self-sufficient, dismissing our parents' concerns about our ability to feed ourselves by saying, "We will just order takeout."

How self-sufficient are you? Is it true that you have grown up?

Cooking should not be viewed as a female activity, and its significance should not be overlooked. As we begin our professions, have families, marry, move out, obtain our first apartment, and reach other milestones.

Society is constantly attempting to define a woman's position and how she should fulfill it. Certain things are expected of her. People prefer to blame women when things go wrong as a result of these expectations. This includes a few of males who regard it as a duty of women in their lives rather than a life skill.

Cooking is a fundamental life skill that we should all acquire. WE, as a generation of men and women who are making progress, are emphasized heavily.

Encourage your friends and family to learn to cook by hosting a potluck. Have everyone bring a new food, have a contest, and do more to encourage your circle to master essential life skills. There is no justification for this.

We all have the time; we just do not want to make it because we think we are better than that.

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