Eating Chocolate Ice Cream at 4 Degrees Celsius

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2 years ago

The sisters-in-law and her husband arrived at 5 PM but they only spent one hour with us. My husband was at work so I had no choice but to host them. When they arrived, I served them soda and chips. My son got shy when they arrived. I was holding the baby girl while breastfeeding. I gave the baby girl to my sister in law while my son was clingy with me. I tried to give him to his uncle but he refused.

I gave him some snacks as well while baby girl fell asleep in the arms of her aunt. They speak French, I don’t but they can speak a little English. So I only talk most about the kids. I put Elise in the bed and Alexandre started to get tired while watching a video. The time was quick so they have to go at 6PM. Also told me that we will have a Christmas dinner on Tuesday.

When they left, I took the pork, onions and garlic from the fridge to prepare for cook adobo. I cut the pork and start to fry in a pan with oil. Alexandre was eating chips and Elise was crying. In between, I have to stop to give her milk. Alexandre fell asleep on the chair and put him in the sofa. I opened the door and the window because of the bad smell inside the house.

I finished frying the pork. The pork skins turned it into pork chicharon and ate it as snacks. After that, I started cutting the onions and garlic. Elise cried again so I wear her using a body carrier on my body as she wanted to be held. Later, I put Alexandre in my bed.

I was bored cutting the onions and garlic so I searched for a Pinoy movie on YouTube. I found this movie starring Jodi Sta. Maria, Ian Veneracion and Richard Yap. I felt the kilig with Ian Veneracion especially the Paris scene.

I wasn’t able to finish the movie when I was on the last 15 minutes. Alexandre woke up and wanted to watch his favorite cartoon. My pork adobo is finished to cook and ready to eat. I gave a little plate to Alexandre and I am so happy that he really loves my pork adobo. On the other hand, Elise cried for milk while I gave food to Alexandre. What a tiring momma!

The husband arrived and smelled the Chinese restaurant inside the house. I was so angry that I started my soup and eat the pork adobo. After that, I craved for chocolate ice cream. I was so selfish I finished everything even though I can share it with my husband. I told him to buy more.

Really, I was very hungry and tired that I indulged myself with chocolate ice cream. It was very cold outside at 4 degrees Celsius and I never cared.

$ 1.02
$ 0.98 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @jasglaybam
$ 0.01 from @charmingcherry08
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2 years ago


Anlamig day, buti at ginusto ni hubby mo lumabas pra bumili...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May ice cream kami sa fridge hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Elsa, is that you? The cold didn't bother you? Lols, the last time my daughter was hungry and I gave her an ice cream she got stomach stress. I hope it won't happen to you sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

BAsta busog before ice cream okz Lang

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we all have some experience like that hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago