Be A Risk Taker
19 September 2021
I know all of us have goals, have dreams, and we all want success. Because who wouldn't want that? Who wouldn't want to succeed in life?
But as we know too, success isn't an easy process. True, we can all be successful on our own way but no one succeed in an instant, on the first try. Success is a process and the first process to reach success is failure.
When we try to be successful we also are taking the risk of failure. But you know what, no matter how hurtful, disappointing and discouraging it is, failure is a part of the process. That's life. We will all fail and it's normal.
You know what's more terrifying than failure? A big mistake you can do is to continually fear that you will make one.
Babies doesn't learn how to walk and to run in an instant. Before they learn, they have to fall, they have to stumble. But even though they are experiencing that, they will continue to stand and try to walk again.
When learning how to ride a bike, it is very common to stumble. Actually most people I know learned to finally ride a bike after their first fall. And I'm one of those learners by the way.
Going back, the thing here is that since failure is the first step to success, we won't reach success if we don't risk about failing. So be a risk taker. Take the risk. It's either you take the risk or you will lose the chance.
Also, take note that as long as you are trying, you are winning. And failure doesn't necessarily mean defeat, it is just a delay but never a defeat.
Well, maybe, it could be a defeat sometimes, but defeat could also be installments of victory. Our life is like a game but we have unlimited lives. We can lose on the first game, to second, third, fourth but we'll never know, maybe we could have our win on our fifth try? Because the more we are losing, we are learning something and we can use what we learned on our next try.
Treat every lose as an opportunity to improve and then go try again but this time, we are way better than before.
Another thing, note that we do not need to be perfect in achieving something. We can excel without being perfect and the pursuit to excellence is so much better than pursuit to perfection. Because the pursuit to excellence is gratifying and healthy but the pursuit to perfection is frustrating, unproductive and wasteful.
This may sound so cliche but do not be afraid to fail, to make mistakes, and when you do, use those failures as an opportunity to improve and to do better.
We can't elimimate the risk. We have to take the risk. It's part of life. Failure and success must seem like opposite, but they are actually both products of the same process.
With that, let me end this article by this quote from H. Stanley Judd:
Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. If you're not failing, you're not growing.
So hey there folks! I don't really know why I write this one. All I know is that I was reading a book and then I was suddenly inspired to write this one.
This is just so cliche but I'm still going to share it here. Because maybe, just maybe, someone is struggling in here right now with constant failure and such. Maybe few people might need this reminder thay failure is normal. Failure isn't defeat. Failure is part of the process and that you didn't have to be too hard on yourself just because you make mistake.
So I guess that's it. That's all. I feel like this is too dramatic but whatever. Thanks for reading this far. Take care! :)
it is by taking risk that we learn that's why it is an important part of our lives