When bad things happen to us, don't complain ...
God must have a purpose. Live it hard, and be a strong person.
Many failures in life are because people don't realize how close they are to success when they give up ...
Commitment is doing something to make your dreams come true.
Whatever you do, do the best you can ...
Success is just an event, but the way to achieve success is great ...
Life is too short for you to learn from your own mistakes, try to learn from the mistakes of others ...
Don't waste time constantly being sad .. Continuing to dissolve yourself in sadness will only hinder the growth of happiness ..
Sometimes honesty can hurt, but believe me any problem will be resolved quickly if you are honest ...
Appreciate and be grateful for whatever we have, before it leaves us and is not ours anymore.
Don't waste our time waiting for something uncertain. Life needs certainty, not just wishful thinking.
The biggest challenge is not when we face difficulties but when we fight our own laziness and complaining.
Try to smile when it hurts. Try to be patient when it hurts. Because only a smile and patience can strengthen the heart.
Success does not come from what other people give, but comes from our own beliefs and hard work ..
Nothing can control us, it all depends on ourselves. Others can only influence.
Grieving is a natural thing, but don't let sadness blind our hearts to give up.
Dream about what we want to dream about, go to the places we want to go, be what we want to be, because we only have one life and one opportunity to do the things we want to do.
The biggest loss is not when you go bankrupt, but when you fail to learn from that bankruptcy.
Hopefully after reading we can be excited again to continue our dreams and become better, wiser, and more successful people than the previous day, Amen...
The biggest loss was your personality if you allow that to happen and not having an action or effort to avoid it or to continue with your life, beggar can live without education, but we have education to use to go on with our life, bankcruptcy is a big problem to face ,but to deal with the problem and getting out of it,was a wise men can do.