I fell in love with my best friend in grade eight (Part 2)

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2 years ago

Love is having a profound and caring strong affection towards someone. Falling in love is like taking a dose of cocaine. Both experiences affects ones brain similarly and triggers ones sense of emotions and euphoria- Unknown Source.

Before delving into the main content, I would like to tender my sincerest of apologies for taking so long in writing the second part of this article. I know this should have been written a long time ago, therefore I will start this way.......

Maybe the introductory phrase, best sums up my reaction towards the last conversation between I and Wisdom. I went from the lively guy to a lonely, desolate, forlorn.... What other adjective do I use in explaining this correctly.

Then one day after assembly, exactly after four weeks of me behaving erratic as she would later go on to say....!!. I was walking through a corridor to the class when a male junior bumped into me making me drop some books on my hands, he said sorry and as I bent to pick it up, I saw a hand assist me in picking them up too, It was Hannah. Hannah was a good friend of mine, she was very brilliant and as good as I was always claiming then to be in mathematics, she was way more better. Not only better, but also faster. Man, she could solve!!. I envied her a lot and she knew it, but over the previous year her maths flair seemed to have dropped and another guy, Jimmy was the only person beating me to the award. I preferred to be beaten by a guy rather than a girl. She helped me in packing the books up and I wanted to say a thank you but she just read my mind and said "No worries you're welcome... I have to see you, don't mind talking after the class.."...... "Alright no problem" I replied.

Once the bell for the end of the day was rang, I waited back at school to listen to what she had to say and rather surprisingly, she was nowhere to be found. Okay lemme say it like this, I saw her but in another person's image. Lol.😂😂. On a more serious note, I was shocked to see Lizzy, arghh common!!. I tried avoiding her. I hardly saw her and yes I didn't speak to her since the day like I mentioned before. Now, she stood right in front of me, staring as if wanting me to explain myself.

"Hey, why have you been giving me attitude..?" She asked

" What do you mean? " I replied by asking a question too.

"You literally stopped talking to me and the last time I checked we didn't have a misunderstanding and neither did I wrong you". The first real statement of the conversation.

Crazily, I picked up my bag and stormed out of the classroom. "Hello.."..."It's nothing, don't bother.". She followed me. "You can't seriously be working out on me ". And from nowhere I said "Oh really.. Well I can't blame you but Hannah instead, for tricking me into waiting behind, I have other reasonable things doing, please!!". " Hey, you mean am unreasonable .?". "I didn't say that.". "Then, what did you say".

Now there was a heavy wind all over the place, we had gotten to the middle of the road, and many shop owners were packing their goods inside, it wanted to rain. As if it gave a more serious warning of its impending arrival, it started raining. "Oh My God, we need to run, I know of a brother who sells ice cream just at the end of the road". I said. And we started running until we got there. He was almost locking himself into his shop, when he saw us running towards his place. We walked in and he offered us a seat... it was this moment I realized we were holding hands the whole time and almost at the same pulse, simultaneously left each other's hand.

I exchanged pleasantries with the yoghurt shop owner and he was like asking where I had been. I hadn't seen him that year, and he was a good family friend. I asked for his forgiveness, he accepted and treated us to a heaven of ice cream filled experience. Lol. 😂🤣🤣. It felt as if I had never taken one, maybe because of the weather, or having a friend turned bla bla bla..... I stopped myself from saying that. We started interacting and it felt like I was on top of the world. She was laughing and blushing. Her beauty was........(another crazy thought I stopped from thinking).

After the rain which lasted about a hour and a half,we finally stopped and I bade Uncle Sam, the ice cream seller a good bye. We walked home holding hands and after a while, she reached the turning to her street and I was telling her I was sorry albeit with a small inconspicuous tone.

After she left, on my way home I was behaving like I was on top of the world, I would start walking normally and all of a sudden I would just stop as if to do something only to break into a run. When I finally got home, I was in sensational mood and everyone was shocked but no one told me.

To be Continued.....

Author's Message

Hello Read Stars, how are you all faring, today is Valentines, and am imploring you to please celebrate not in a violent manner but peaceful in the best way you can. Thanks for reading and I look forward to next time. BYE!!.🤞✌️

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2 years ago


Happy Valentine my gee, I have been in love with my best friend for more than 6years.. The year I told her, that same day, I got the biggest insult of my life.. Sooo....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry about that, girls can be crazy sometimes. Happy Valentines too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Valentine day to bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, your story was very beautiful, I look forward to reading it. Happy Valentine's day...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the compliment. Happy Valentines too

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2 years ago