Life is a constant confrontation
The way to withstand the onslaughts that life brings us every day is not to worry about what we cannot control. Over the years I have learned that it is useless to torment ourselves to solve the negative situations that come our way if the solution is not in our hands.
Worrying unduly is exhausting for the mind and for the organism. Then we should try to do our best to solve what is in our hands without putting too much effort into trying to find ways to solve all the worries because that only wears us out physically.
Life brings its own difficulties every day. Sometimes we try to avoid the events that may bring worries and we cannot escape from them because they themselves go looking for us. Without realizing it and without looking for them, problems come into our presence and want us to be unbalanced in trying to make everything easier but with the worry that comes from having problems.
My heart races, my body weakens, and my mind traps me in a series of thoughts trying to find a way out of a big problem that I did not look for but is a consequence of some of my actions.
I take a deep breath, it is necessary to know how to breathe because we fill our lungs and our organism with toxic products because we do not know how to breathe. Taking the air in an upright position with the arms extended upwards and then gradually letting it out as we lower our arms is healthy for the organism. It should be repeated several times and we will feel the renewal immediately.
To fill our body with good oxygen is to have a great battle won. Being oxygenated our thoughts become clearer for the conflicting solutions. We solve what we can according to our possibilities and those that we cannot solve we leave as they came. What it means is that if it came alone it will only go away in God's perfect time.
As we grow and evolve we realize that what drowned us in a glass of water only needed a time of liberation to return to being everything as it was before his arrival. It is necessary to keep a clear thought that one problem is gone but others will come. Knowing or understanding that difficulties will always come and go and that we have learned how to manage life better gives us a great advantage and gain in life.
This is what I have learned as I have been growing up independently since the young age of independence as I was 15 years old. When I decided to take the reins of my life and embark on the long road I have traveled today.
When I started alone, I had many failures because I did not have the right tools to face them, but then, when I got out of one effort and entered into another, over the years it brought me painful repercussions. These forced me to undertake new habits to understand with difficulty that we should not force anything and everything has its proper solution in its perfect time.
I do not want this to change your conscience or your way of being, I write this to let you know that I had to learn how to lead my life with a little common sense so as not to live overwhelmed. What I am today does not reflect my yesterday. My hectic life, my sufferings, and my worries have been changed by my common sense. I live better and I live free.
The image is my property.
Truly said problems never go. Everyday pops up with a new issue. As told it is better to find solution for our own problem rather than dwell our head into other problems spoiling us mentally and physically. Breathe taking exercise is really a good one. I must follow it. Though I do Iam not regular. Thanks for reminding dear.