Propose a Viable and INNOVATIVE Idea for Achieving 100 New Downloads of a Bitcoin Cash Wallet

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Avatar for georgedonnelly
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

Create a thoughtful, clear, succinct and INNOVATIVE idea for achieving 100 new downloads of a Bitcoin Cash wallet in your city.

I will not accept filler answers! If there is a lack of clarity or an excess of words or anything but an innovative idea, I will not accept your solution.

Answer consists of the following elements:

  • Idea: well-formatted for online readability, maximum 500 words.

  • Your city and country.

There are also these conditions:

  • Population of your city must be greater than 100,000 people when I look it up on Google.

  • You agree in advance that I, George Donnelly, will become the owner of the idea by accepting your solution. There may not be any copyrighted elements in your idea.

  • Acceptance is exclusively at my personal and subjective discretion.

  • If you have applied for other tasks of mine, complete that first before applying for this task.

At the time of publishing, the award is about 6 USD and I am accepting up to 10 solutions.

Ask your questions and receive mentoring here:

Solve this task at

$ 1.67
$ 1.47 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Omar
$ 0.10 from @RufusYoakam
Sponsors of georgedonnelly


As i read there are many different BCH wallets.I have only one but I will follow your advice.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You might only need one, sure.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello George. While I have several ideas, I'll stop with this, as it's related to Read.Cash

I plan to invite more Ukrainian and Russian speaking people here, and I'm also going to publish articles in Ukrainian. Kyiv has maybe 5 million of people, and when I meeting people and speak, sometimes I tell them about

Those who signed up, already have BCH wallet. But to use it, to transact, probably it will be much easier with Bitcoin cash wallet. So that's the way I can bring these 100 download)

New users will not only have wallet, but some of them will have funds there, which they will receive as content creators

$ 0.07
3 years ago

Yes, personally I did it long time ago with wallet

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Cool. Please submit a fully developed idea on lazyfox. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ok, I'll register there

$ 0.00
3 years ago