My Writing Schedule Works For Crazy People Like Me

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1 year ago

If you're like me, you've probably thought about how to make your writing schedule more sustainable. Maybe you have an idea of what you need to do, but don't know how to get it done. Maybe you've tried everything and still feel like there's always something more that needs to be done.

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I'm not going to lie: my writing schedule works for crazy people like me because it isn't just a writing schedule. And it's kind of hard to believe that this can work for anyone else, but I think it's worth sharing with everyone because I want everyone to feel as fulfilled and happy as I am with their writing.

Writing is hard, but it doesn't have to be as hard as you think. Sometimes I feel like my brain is going to explode from the pressure of trying to come up with new ideas all the time. But somehow, every day, I manage to keep writing—and even write something that people like!

So how do I do this?

I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and I've been crazy since birth. I’m a very busy person. I have classes every day, I have many school requirements to pass, I have my family and friends, I write and I study our lessons. I also try to watch anime, play mobile legends and occasionally go out for dinner or drinks with friends. But somehow, it all fits in. Despite this, I still able to write something for the day. My secret? Nothing. My writing schedule is pretty much the opposite of what most people would recommend for sane people like you.

Am I crazy? Maybe it's okay to be a little crazy. After all, if you're not a little bit crazy (or at least, not just a little bit), then you probably don't have the drive and ambition to see things through.

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For example, when it comes to planning out my day, I don't really do that. I don't have a calendar or a schedule or any sort of plan in place for what I'll be doing each day. Instead, when inspiration strikes (which is often), I get up from where I'm sitting and write until something else comes along that catches my attention more than the story on which I was working (and then off I go).

Now, this isn't the best way to manage time for most people. It's not even the best way for me—it's just how my brain works. Sometimes, there's the part of me that wants to be more organized than this—like, maybe if I could just set aside some time each day specifically for writing, then maybe all those good ideas wouldn't slip away so quickly! And then there's also the part of me who doesn't want to feel like missing out on anything because my life isn't scheduled down to the minute like other people's lives seem to be.

When it comes to taking breaks, though? Yeah… there are none of those either. When one of my stories needs some time off so that my brain can recalibrate itself and come back with fresh ideas later on down the road (or maybe just so that another story can take its place), that doesn't happen until at least three or four days have passed without any new material coming from my fingers.

You might be wondering how this works if you're trying to do something other than write every single day. The answer is simple: it doesn't! My way of doing things isn't going to work for everyone—and that's fine—but it does work for me.

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In Conclusion

I know that writing is not the most lucrative job in the world, and it's not the easiest thing to do when you have a family, responsibilities, and other things that are more important than making sure you get your daily word count in. But if you're like me, then it's what you love to do—and sometimes, loving something means you're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure it happens.

That's where my writing schedule comes in. It works for me because it gives me just enough structure to keep me on track without feeling like I'm being held down by some outside force or schedule. And while I don't always write every single day (because life happens), I always stay focused on my goals—and when I do hit those goals? It feels amazing!

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1 year ago


This seems to be nice. So you're trying to say that whenever you get the inspiration, you write and it feels like you get distracted it something, you stop till you have an idea about what you're writing again. It makes sends. I'll give it a trial and get back to you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahahaa yes. I do this as long as I have no ther more important things to do. It's a matter of priorities. You should try it too hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago