A little crypto, a little pine gum

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1 year ago

Today, a 20-something can ask his parents..!

Why didn't you buy 100 bitcoins when I was a kid and hoard them?

Actually, there's some truth to that. They could have sacrificed a few toys they bought for him and fulfilled this function without any additional burden and made their children rich today... but they didn't because they didn't think!

image source

If the young person in his/her 20s who is making this complaint today does not want to be in the position of his/her parents in the future, and does not want to be held to the same account by his/her child, he/she should not miss the train that his/her parents missed.

So what are you doing for your child in the future?

Consider the future and determine your crypto portfolio instead of lamenting about what you wish based on past history. For the cryptos you choose for the long term, discard the concept of statute of limitations and consider that your child will be the beneficiary. The past is gone and gone, but the future is not gone and not yet here. We don't know what surprises it holds.

In short, what your parents didn't do for you, you can do for your unborn children. Crypto is the future, and the future is coming fast with the passage of time.

I don't have children yet, but I have crypto saved for them. They will have a say in retirement or in their future.

Anyway, leaving the past and the future aside and coming back to the present, I managed to get a small amount of pine gum from the pine tree I notched in the summer. My previous attempt to get it failed because of the insect infestation of the pine gum.

This is the first time this has happened and I don't know what's causing it, possibly changing weather conditions! The insect that neutralizes pests in pine trees and has an important effect on the production of pine honey, the so-called pine honey weevil, which is difficult to see because it is millimeters in size, is decreasing.

Is this a direct effect? I don't know the answer... but for the last 3 years there has been a decline in pine honey yield. What I'm saying applies to my environment.

I use the word "whatever" a lot in my daily routine nowadays and again, anyway, I finally managed to buy enough pine gum for myself. I have a few left over from last year and in the spring I can notch up again and buy new ones.

As the proverb "Free vinegar is sweeter than honey" suggests, the best prayer would be to be grateful for the yield of every free product instead of complaining about it.

Remember what I said about cryptos! It's not too late at a time when the markets are so low, so stockpile some now to look to the future with more hope!

$ 1.99
$ 1.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
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1 year ago


Indeed. Change starts within. Don't blame your circumstance and situation. You have the choice to do better. It may not be easy but it is doable.

$ 0.00
1 year ago