Chia mining

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3 years ago

Since Chia became popular in early May, many people have participated in the mining of Chia and earned the first wave of bonuses. However, with the passage of time, the current computing power on Chia has grown too fast. I previously calculated computing power of the entire network could reach 4e around May 20. As a result, it was actually above 5e at that time, and it can be said that the deviation reached over 25%.

Of course, the computing power is still advancing by leaps and bounds in the past few days, so that even if i speeds up the p-disk speed, than it is barely equal to the growth rate of the whole network. That is to say, when my computing power increases from 6t to 20t this month, the daily income is still constant, about 0.01 coins, which shows that my current income is so low.

For users, what is more concerned is whether chia is worth continuing to mining on the P disk. Let's objectively analyze whether it is appropriate to continue the P disk now.

First of all, mining is closely related to the price of the currency. It was estimated that as long as the price of the currency is 700 US dollars, it is basically close to the Cost price. Now according to this calculations, such a cost price can be said to have exceeded 1,000 US dollars. In terms of currency standards, we can now basically determine that buying coins is more cost effective.

Of course, this does not mean that p disk mining is not good. One advantage of p disk mining is that we still have a hard disk in our hands. Although the p disk of chia is damaged the solid state drive, what we need to know is that, the final files is stored on the ordinary mechanical hard disk, so the damage of the mechanical hard disk is very small. That is to say, if you want to quit one day and don’t mining anymore, you can format the hard disk and then sell it on second hand online market, which is completely possible.

Of course, if you can’t sell it yourself, you can also use it yourself. This kind of mechanical hard drive is basically not too bad, and it’s different from graphics card mining. Therefore, if you sell the hard disk, you will be surprised to find that you have made a lot of money by selling the hardware. In this way, chia mining is actually very cost-effective at present.

Of course, if you want to get more profits, then speculation is always the fastest way to make money under ideal circumstances, but many people are not capable of making money. I also admit here that it is difficult for me to make money through speculation, which is why i chose to crypto mining.

Is it a time to buy chia's cloud computing power now? This may also be a concern of some people. In fact, what we need to know here is the use time of the cloud computing power you purchased. Currently on the market there is a one-year period, there are three-year period, there are also perpetual, here I personally is more inclined to perpetual chia computing power, because in this case, it is easy for you to permanently continue to mining Chia, without thinking about selling hard disks. So it's also easy to enjoy the increase in the number of coins dug up over a long period of time.

Of course, for sustainable chia computing power, you still need to calculate the cost yourself. I previously estimated that the corresponding cost may be more than 500+ dollar per T, so if the market price difference is not very large, it can be considered, but here also need to do a good job of long-term holding the coin plan, if you are mining to sell, if the current currency price of cloud computing power is below 1000, it may be difficult to make you back on the currency standard. As for the legal currency standard, the main thing is to look at the market currency price. I also believes that it is still very possible to recover and make money in the fiat currency standard.

Of course, the difficulty of mining chia is too high. Many people may be waiting for the official mining pool agreement to come out, because the mining revenue of rtnpool is too different from the actual theoretical revenue. According to the my estimation, the mining revenue of rtnpool is compared with the actual theoretical mining income differs by about 18%-30%. Of course, according to rtnpool official explanation, it is mainly because most people currently obtain income through dual mining. Even if rtnpool freezes the relevant accounts, it is basically difficult to recover the funds for dual mining. In addition, there are some reasons for false hashrate files in the rtn mining pool, so the income will naturally decrease.

At present, according to actual measurement, there are indeed some double-mining behaviors that cannot be eradicated officially, so this also causes a reduction in revenue. Of course, this reduced amount is still acceptablfor me. The main reason is that since the new version of chia software was updated, the phenomenon of unsynchronized nodes has been greatly reduced. Therefore, the number of dual-mining people has increased a lot . The possibility of high profits, although knowing that it is wrong to do so, but it is not fair for others to do evil and let oneself bear the loss. Although there is no real solo block yet, it can be worth the risk.

Of course, for large users, I think that double mining is not worth it, because it is said that rtnpool is forming a vip mining pool, which is pure mining, and will not perform dual mining. This part is composed of large computing power, so if your computing power is large enough, then you can either wait first and see if there is a chance to apply for their pure mining pool, or if you have enough ability to merge with other big players to create a new private pool, this is also a good choice for mining , This depends on your personal connections.

At present, from the perspective of fiat currency, chia mining mainly depends on the speed of the p disk, that is, the faster the disk, the better result. Therefore, if your p disk speed is very fast, your income will increase every day.

$ 9.27
$ 7.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.55 from @arslankhalid
$ 0.22 from @rajeev
+ 8
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Written by
3 years ago
