Bamboo trees in my daily life
Hi my friends who are on this platform, how are you guys? I haven't opened this platform for a long time to read. In this opportunity, I want to tell a little about myself and the bamboo tree. As long as I live until now, bamboo trees are very close to the journey of my life. I was born in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. Where I was born, there are many bamboo trees there. Javanese people often plant bamboo because bamboo stalks have many functions in life.
Where I was born, women use bamboo as wickerwork to make baskets (containers made of woven bamboo or rattan). Some of the baskets are sold in the market, and some of them are used as containers for the harvest that will be sold to traditional markets. Meanwhile, the men use bamboo to make chairs, poles, and musical instruments. So the village where I was born is very familiar with bamboo trees. The children use bamboo to be used as game tools such as cannons, stilts, kites, etc.
Likewise, in 2017, I moved to Jakarta to study there. In the city of Jakarta, I live in a boarding house in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta. The owner of the boarding house also planted bamboo trees in his yard. This is done so that the bamboo tree can provide positive energy and coolness for the residents of the house. In 2021, I graduated from the Jakarta Islamic University (UID) and moved to Medan to work until now. In this Medan city, I live near a river where there are many bamboo trees on its banks. According to local people, this bamboo tree was planted by students to prevent erosion which causes landslides.
This bamboo tree is really useful. Bamboo trees have an important aspect of human life. As I know, that bamboo trees are dubbed giant grass. It has strong roots and does not fall even when strong winds blow towards it. When a bamboo tree is planted, it takes four to five years for the bamboo tree to grow big and tall. That's because bamboo grows and strengthens its roots first so that when it becomes a tall tree, it can withstand the wind.
From the bamboo tree, I learned about the importance of building the foundation of life to stay strong and tough to face all life's problems. The bamboo tree also taught me to be a useful person and be helpful to others around. There are still many benefits that bamboo trees provide for human life that I don't know about. Therefore, bamboo trees must be preserved because they provide important lessons and benefits for everyday life.
Thanks for dropping by and reading. Nice to meet you
Images and thumbnails are my own
When I was little, my friends and I would play in the bamboo forest and make some toys made of bamboo sticks. It's fun to be creative with bamboo