All Things Are Possible Because I have You

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2 years ago

This has been a crazy start of the week for me. After those blessings of September I just recently posted, here comes the trials. My response? Bring it on Father God! I may feel so defeated right now, I know you will never leave me and You will always be there for me. <3

Before I open up what's making me worried lately, I would like to share first the fun part of what I did for today.

Cold Espresso Brew and Frappe Making, Yay!

I attended my Barista Class at 1pm to 5pm today and I had a good time with today's lesson.

Let me show you what I was able to create through pictures:

After teaching us the correct extraction of espresso through the espresso machine, I took 1 ounce/1 shot of espresso brew, added half ounce of simple syrup (mixture of sugar and water), ice and fresh milk mix them altogether and voila! My first ever iced coffee latte.

Woot woot.. my first frappucino! This concoction is made of 1 ounce simple syrup, 3 ounces of fresh milk, 1 ounce of mixed berry sauce and blended crushed ice.

This coming Thursday, we will have our demo class. We are instructed to come up with our own original Frappucino flavor/mixture. It should be something that is not found online. We can bring ice cream, jelly, cookies, nuts etc. as long as it is something new. I am thinking of Double Dutch Mocha Peppermint Frappe but I haven't checked online if there is already a recipe for that otherwise I have to come up with other frappe mixtures. Can you give me some ideas?

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So what's bugging me?

My previous article entitled The Plight of A Rescuer talked about my current dog rescue, Clawi. I even posted at about praying for Clawi's successful surgery. I want to thank everyone who prayed for her. <3

Together with one of my co-advocate, we did a late night visit yesterday with the night duty vet who happenened to be in charge of Clawi's condition and she discussed to us what they were able to see at Clawi's x-ray that wasn't noticed the night she was first x-rayed. It turned out that it is not only the pelvic bones of Clawi that was fractured but the bone in the middle of her pelvis too. With this new discovery, the vet clinic cannot push through with the surgery and they are referring us to an orthopedic vet clinic located in Las PInas City. This option to bring her there is still pending because the clinic Las Pinas has to check Clawi's case yet. Other options were discussed also like bandaging her limbs and hoping the bones will regrow on its own. This already happened to a lot of our hit and run rescues before but this is still case to case depending on the severity and type of bones fractured so still no guarantee. There is also the option of amputating both legs and put her on a wheelchair or bring her home. Or, give her palliative treatment and euthanized if everything is already painful for her 😞🥺😭. I was so crushed with the news, thinking if I could bear going over the experience of taking care of a dog and have it euthanized soon. I can not! 😭 I had been in that grueling, agonizing experience early this year with Odie, I don't think I can take going through that experience anymore. Adopting a disabled dog on wheels is also not feasible with my situation of having 9 dogs to take care to everyday. I felt so defeated that I resorted to just pray to God to take this cup away from me as I am holding Clawi. I prayed for the Lord to please help me and to please heal Clawi, I only wanted to rescue a dog who is so much in need of immediate help.

The video below is my visit of Clawi last night. She really looked so sad, a broken spirit I may say . She might be wondering where is her family and who are we. I talked to her and told her to please get well, to have the will to fight and recover from her bad accident because a new family is waiting to adopt her, love her and will never abandon her.

As I was about to end this post, Clawi’s vet messaged me and they have another option for us to try which is cage rest for a few weeks and hope that new bones will fusion and do towel therapy later on. The vet sent me a video of a hit and run dog with the same case like Clawi who was able to walk again on four legs. With this new development, I have nothing but praise to the Almighty Father for this new option presented to us. Vet bills will be costly…I know, and I have to admit I am worried with that but I am thankful I have a support group who is helping me pray for Clawi and raising a donation drive for her. Please do pray for Clawi too? We need all the prayer warriors we can get. Thank you very much. 💕

We are already done with half of this month and still claiming and believing it is and it will be a #BetterSeptember.

All pictures and video are mine.

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2 years ago


Will pray for Clawi's complete healing. 🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to try that frappuccino. And I hope and pray for Clawi to recover.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. I really pray Clawi will be able to walk again and find a new family

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a suggestion sis, bandaging, caging is good to limit movement and to secure the fracture too. On top of that, you can also do Physiotherapy. This has been practiced in a lot of developed countries. PT sa animals helps too. For Clawi's case, I recommend Electrical Stimulation on the fracture site, and Hot Compress to hasten healing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo sis yun plan namin gawin. Lalo at nadiscover ko kanina ng vinisit ko sya based sa teeth at soft paws nia mukhang puppy pa si clawi or kaka 1 yr old lang so may malaking chance na magre regrow ulit mga bones. Aabot kami ng 100k sis sa vet bills kung 2 mos sya na mako confine dun at sila na gagawa lahat. Kahit igapang namin siguro na ifund raise 100k is too much so hanap lang kami magfo foster at tyatyagain itherapy c clawi iuuwi na namin sya

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis bka may PT na mahilig din sa dogs, pwede nya ma adopt si Clawi para mka tipid na rin sa sessions. Halos lahat ng practicing PT may ES kya matugunan talaga need nya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear what happened to your dog, I would have done same things if i where to be in your shoes. I hope everything gets better.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes praying for her too. I hope her real owner shows up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kawawa naman si Clawi, ung owner nya mismo di pa sya nakikita. Sana di maging mahirap ang surgery sakanya at makarecover agad.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Will do option 2 sir. Risky din kasi option 1. Kkavisit ko sa knya kanina mukhang puppy pa malaki chance mag re grow mga bones. Keeping the faith

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well Clawi!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Salamat sis. Kakauwi ko galing vet vinisit sya. Sad pa din sya :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She really look sad. .wala pb naghanap sa knya sis? Yung real owner?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wala pa din. Lahat ng rescue namin na hit and run never nagpakita owners nila :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well soonest Clawii. We will all be here praying for your fast recovery.

All the best on your demo tomorrow, crazybeautifurmom!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sissie for the prayers 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have amazing progress in your Barrista class. All the best on your demo class tomorrow, sis. I believe you can come up with something very unique :)

Still, my prayers for Clawi, and glad to read there is another option for her recovery.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sis. I hope and pray the 2nd option will work for her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

one black no sugar pls! :D basaek nu bigat ta usto maturugak en :D

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe basa kan

$ 0.00
2 years ago