My 2 dollars weren't accepted !

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2 years ago
Topics: Money, Truth, Freedom, Bank, Banks, ...

This is a real story I would like to share, for everyone to understand what's a dollar.

Maybe you may tell me that could happen only in Russia, but I think that could happen anywhere. So, I live in Russia for almost 12 years. I've got married here, and I have a little son. I understand what happened to this country for years. And what exactly all people here went through. From the Soviet Union, to the collapse in 90s, and the mess people had to go through here, when the police didn't work for years, but only organized groups dictated their rules. Then all the country was taken over by one political party that was winning all the time, if you are getting it how. Then the time of strict sanctions, where Russians are restricted from so many worldwide services. And those restrictions are implemented on citizens only, not those who are responsible for the war. How losing a million for a billionaire can affect him/her ? But losing a few dollars could harm someone who's barely surviving.

Anyway, that was a pre-history of a Russian citizen, who's not even Russian, but an Algerian who immigrated for a better life. But I've got what I get. So, recently knowing about how the Russian government works, we decided to invest with my wife in dollar. I mean the previous year. So, we bought about $1000 in cash and kept it for the future, thinking that the price of dollar will go higher from 73 roubles to more. And just like I expected it turned to almost 140 rouble when the war just started. We didn't sell, because we heard about a default coming. We were afraid to buy roubles and those money could go worthless. So, we decided to keep them till we see a better price. But since all my fiat money finished, I had to start selling to not touch the crypto I have. I had exactly $1052. Because that $52 I bought from a Lebanon client when I was working as an interpreter about a year ago.

So, here we come to the most interest part of the story.

About 10 days ago, I decided to sell $252 to have some roubles and leave those $800 for after. I went to the bank. And the first interesting thing, she said that I'll need to pay a commission for a bank to exchange them. From my understanding, it's like a protection to not let people sell little amounts, but at least to sell $300, so that will be without any commission. I wanted hard to keep those $800, that's why I decided to pay the commission. That was about $5. But, that's not the most interesting part. She said, I mean the cashier, that they will not accept those $2. I asked her, why ? She said, the central bank prohibited us to accept that money. So, I couldn't even use those $2 to pay that commission. But, I had to pay that from the money I earned during the year. So, if I bought $250 for 73 roubles, and sold them for 80. That means I earned in this case 1750 roubles. That's about $21. And I had to give $5 commission. That's $16. Not that bad if those were much bigger money. But still, why I have to give them those $5, I don't understand !

Anyway, the most pity thing is that they didn't accept those $2. While I was keeping them all the time in a safe place, and they are not torn or something. In a very good form. All the numbers are clear. I mean that's real money. Why would a central bank that collaborate with the Federal Reserve not accept those dollars. Why they print them so.

It's interesting to see the money people are fighting for all the time, worthless. Just a paper !

I was so mad after this situation and when we went to a picnic with my wife, I wanted to burn them. But my wife didn't let me do so. She is kind of learning about spiritism, and she told me that's bad to do. Anyway, I didn't burn them. At least this story will bring me more than $2 if I'll share it in decentralized social media. ☺

As you see, it's another reason to promote crypto. Someday they will not accept $20. Then $50, then even $100 will be worthless.

Anyway, I see them canceling all fiat money in the next few years.

CBDC is coming. But crypto is here to stay !

$ 8.23
$ 6.17 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 2.00 from @anli
$ 0.03 from @Talecharm
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2 years ago
Topics: Money, Truth, Freedom, Bank, Banks, ...


I don't understand why they did not accept the 2 Dollars. But I know here in my country the buying/selling price of a bigger currency is different from the smaller one. I also bought 100 Dollars from a friend and still keeping it for future use. I am still looking to buy more Dollars.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't understand why as well. Maybe they want people to sell more dollars. I don't know. That's crazy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is painful that common citizens are always in the middle of political fisticuffs of bigmen. But if I must understand the point of the Russian central bank, I think it is to shield the Russian economy from the wider effect of the sweeping sanctions it came under.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I understand as well, but how $2 can help in that. That's even funny. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago