My Crypto Journey
Months ago, I made a decision to start writing about my experience as a novice in crypto, but I stopped after some time. I got busy with other things that I abandoned my for a very long time.
It started here,
exactly nine months ago.
My major aim was to have somewhere I could go back to, whenever I needed to reminisce and track down how far I had gone in My Crypto Journey.
One other reason was to heighten my zeal to research, learn and be consistent while writing about anything and everything I could think of.
First, I thought about ways to achieve it, then I came up with an idea; to put out my experience in story telling. I broke them down in episodes. I was as frank as I could be, capturing every detail from all that had happened since I nursed the ambition to trade crypto.
The intention to write about My Crypto Journey was first conceived on noise cash though I migrated to
Sadly, my posts did not migrate with me.
Making my First $0.01 on
By the time I posted the third episode, I was occupied with work so I didn't get the chance to open my for two days and when I eventually did, could barely believe my eyes. First, I got my first >20 views then, a donation of $0.01!
I was so happy, I did not know anyone would actually like my little story.
It meant the world to me at that time.
I wanted more than anything to improve my stories, that was when problems set in .
I began to populate my drafts with unfinished episodes. I felt the need to write better and perfectly so as not to disappoint my readers. I felt like all of my works needed to be improved before I put them put here.
I would always point out flaws, a lot of flaws yet I could not bring myself to correct them.
Gradually, I began to lose confidence in my ability, then my zeal depleted till I got bored and abandoned it totally and since that was the case, I scarcely posted anything here as well.
As I logged into my account today, after six solid months, I felt bad and very disappointed in myself. I had failed yet another task and it took me a long time to even realize it.
Well, the year is not finished yet, I choose to console myself in that fact.
I sincerely do hope that this time, I give it my all. I do hope to pick up my tasks and at least, head for a direction.
I hate that I disappointed myself.
I hope to do much better this time.