Marija Jurić Zagorka- "Gordana"

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This work by Marija Jurić Zagorka is written in 12 volumes, it tells about the years of the reign of the Croatian-Hungarian king Matija Korvin, his death, the fight of the widow Beatrice of Naples and her illegitimate son Ivan for the throne at the end of the 15th century.

The main character, Gordana Brezovačka, is torn between her sacred duty to her homeland and her personal feelings, and is thus involved in a series of intrigues over fame and foreign political interests. The beautiful and courageous Gordana reflects the customs of the era, historical events, confronts the wishes and hopes of the victors and the vanquished.

Gordana is the most beautiful piece at King Matthias' court that pretends to be slightly stupid, but is actually a very intelligent woman.

The future heir to the throne, Prince Ivan, his best friend Damir and the Duke of Ilok are crazy about her.

All three are at that time of turmoil and struggle for the throne of great importance for the future of Croatia and she realizes that she must find a way to unite them. And not quarrel. And who does she love? (I won’t tell you it’s my favorite part of the novel you have to read it).

The book is full of intrigues and intrigues of court society, murders, hoaxes, real historical events and those fictional (adapted actions) and outwitting .. In it you can find beautiful quotes and smell the true human values ​​that are forgotten today.

Written in the tradition of a feuilleton novel, "Gordana" shows, perhaps more than her other works, a desire to tackle the great themes of national history. One character is depicted in counterpoint with historical events ranging from the first years of the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) to the Battle of the Mohawk Field (1526). A beautiful and courageous woman is constantly torn between her sacred duty to her homeland and personal feelings, and is thus entangled in intrigues over inheritance, the disappearance of the royal lineage, foreign political interests. In Zagorka's novel treatment, her destiny turns into a mirror in which the customs of the epoch, the paths of historical events are reflected, and the wishes and hopes of the victors and the eaten are confronted.

Zagorka s magical ability to constantly invent new stories like Scheherazade from "One Thousand and One Nights", to introduce new heroes into them, to invent new episodes through which they parade faces dressed in glittering costumes, is stronger than the reader's rational understanding of real historical facts.

In "Gordana - the Queen of Croats", readers encounter an attempt at sentimental and irrational justification and explanation of Croatian history.

$ 0.08
$ 0.08 from @TheRandomRewarder


Za sve one koji niste prečitali..evo jedan dio


~ 6 ~ jakog nosa, šire se u podrugljivi smiješak,prebojadisan ljubaznošću:

Mnogo ste sagriješili, doña Isabella, kad na koljenima molite oproštenje!

  • Kralj, kralj - šapće ona gledajući s izraţajem bijesa Enric a. Tek ova riječ vrati mladom grofu svijest. Sad i on zamijeti kraljevopodrugljivo lice i pusti njene ruke. Brzo se pridigla, blijeda, ustraš ena, a kralj se nastavirugati:- Da je Zeus tako malo obziran na svojem dvoru prema lijepim boţicama kao ja prema vama, doña Isabella, ne bi Bogovi imalipotomstvo!- Kraljevsko veličanstvo, došla sam samo pogledati kako su uredili odaju za doč ekkraljice. Spotakla sam se..
$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ovo Zagorkino najopsežnije djelo, u 12 svezaka, govori o godinama vladavine hrvatsko-ugarskoga kralja Matije Korvina, njegovoj smrti, borbi udovice Beatrice od Napulja i nezakonitog sina Ivana za prijestolje krajem 15. stoljeća. Glavna junakinja Gordana Brezovačka razapeta je između svete dužnosti prema domovini i osobnih osjećaja te je tako upletena u niz spletki oko naslijeđa i stranih političkih interesa. U lijepoj i odvažnoj Gordani odražavaju se običaji epohe, povijesna zbivanja, konfrontiraju želje i nade pobjednika i pobijeđenih. Zagorkina magična sposobnost da poput Šeherezade iz “Tisuću i jedne noći” neprestance izmišlja nove priče, da u njih uvodi nove junake, smišlja nove epizode kroz koje defiliraju lica odjevena u blistave kostime, snažnija je od čitateljeva racionalnog poimanja stvarnih povijesnih činjenica. U “Gordani - kraljici Hrvata” čitatelji se susreću s pokušajem sentimentalnoga i iracionalnog opravdanja i objašnjenja hrvatske povijesti. Pisana u tradiciji feljton-romana, “Gordana” pokazuje, možda više nego njezina ostala djela, težnju da se uhvati u koštac s velikim temama nacionalne povijesti. Jedan je lik prikazan u kontrapunktu s povijesnim zbivanjima u rasponu od prvih godina vladavine Matijaša Korvina (1458-1490) pa do bitke na Mohačkom polju (1526). Lijepa i odvažna žena biva neprestano razapinjana između svete dužnosti prema domovini i osobnih osjećaja te je tako upletena u spletke oko nasljeđa, nestanka kraljevske loze, stranih političkih interesa. Njezina se sudbina u Zagorkinoj romanesknoj obradi pretvara u zrcalo u kojemu se odražavaju običaji epohe, putovi povijesnih zbivanja, konfrontiraju želje i nade pobjednika i pobjeđenih.

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3 years ago

One excerpt from the book This jewelry that the fiancée has on her head and braids is invaluable. On the occasion, she wears the most expensive stone, and the dress itself is embroidered and is of pure gold and jewels

explains Peter.- What about the dowry? the king asked his chancellor.- I told the duke that the prince possessed fourth set and eight estates in Croatia and Hungary and six duchies in Silesia, to which it is Duke Louis ordered Bianca a dowry of one hundred a thousand forints in gold, sixty thousand in equipment, and forty thousand in valuables.

My son will get the richest fiancée Europe- clicks the king.- Peter, you are we turned this day into a celebration. Dear and my advisers, we are therefore the work ... At that moment, Radulo burst into the room, pale in astonishment.

Majesty, Prince John is fighting with his sword Alfonso Borgia! ”Varadi shouted abruptly,“ Vel banish the prince at once duel , because I heard terrible things in Italy voices of Fr. duels of the cardinal's nephews Borgie. He draws his sword from its poisonous scabbard.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Morala sam detaljno da procitam kad sam videla svoje ime 🤣. Vrlo lepo i detaljno opisano. Sto kaze @gordana mora da je odlicna, s razlogom

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3 years ago

Zagorkina magična sposobnost da poput Šeherezade iz Tisuću i jedne noći neprestance izmišlja nove priče i uklopi ih u stvarne povijesne događaje.

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3 years ago

nisam imao prilike da procitam ovo delo, aline sumnjam da je podjednako dobro kao sto je njen celokupni opus, tako da ne mogu dati kriticki osvrt o samom sadrzaju

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3 years ago

Kao sto sam vec jednom ranije rekla ja sam od Marije Juric Zagorke procitala samoGricku vjesticu. Iskreno, sad i ne znam da li i gde mogu da se nasju njene knjige.

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3 years ago

E pa Dragutine baš ti hvala za sećanje na na ovu knjigu.MOJA Sestra se zove GORDANa a verujem da će obradovati i moju frendicu @gordana!

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3 years ago