Marija Jurić Zagorka

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For all those who enjoy her novels and who appreciate her work

Marija Jurić Zagorka (Negovec near Vrbovec, 1 January 1873 - Zagreb, 30 November 1957), Croatian writer and journalist.

Marija Jurić, known under the pseudonym Zagorka, was a woman ahead of her time. It was only after her death, in the second half of the 20th century, that the importance of her literary works and journalistic work gradually became more widely recognized, and she gradually took a prominent place in Croatian culture. She enriched our heritage with her work, and her literary work was closely connected with the social one, so that her works expressed political and feminist activism. Starting from the assumption that the past is always repeated, her numerous novels have thematized political circumstances and society in the past alluding to the present. In others, female characters were the bearers of ethical, political and feminist ideas - Gordana, Jadranka, Countess Nero.

Much is doubtful about the life of Marija Jurić Zagorka. Even the date of birth. However, it is most often mentioned on January 1, 1873. She was born in the village of Negovec near Vrbovec in a wealthy family of the manager of a large estate, Baron Rauch. Although in good financial condition, the family, which had four children, lived, as Zagorka herself testified, rather unhappily. Marija Jurić Zagorka grew up in the countryside and spent her childhood in that Zagorje-lordly environment. She attended elementary school in Varaždin and Zagreb, where she excelled in intelligence and talent. At the age of fifteen, just before graduation, she leaves school due to unsettled family relationships and since then her school will be her life. However, she wanted to achieve a vocation and her great desire has been to become a postman ever since. After six years of schooling in the Zagreb Monastery of Mercy, Zagorka leaves Zagreb. She will finally return only after seven years, to live to a ripe old age and die on November 30, 1957.

Her novels were published as feuilletons in newspapers and magazines, for example in Mali novine, Jutarnji list, Obzor, Ženski list, Hrvatski dnevnik and Hrvatica, and readers expected a new sequel every day. Thus, her third novel in a row, and the first Croatian crime novel, Kneginja iz Petrinjska ulica, was published in a total of 147 sequels in Hrvatske novosti in 1910, and later in Ženski list.

The novel The Secret of the Bloody Bridge is the first of seven novels from the series The Witch of Grič. It was first published in 1912 in Mali novine in sequels, and the original method of publication is evident in more recent editions due to the structure of the novel itself. The very form of the novel is directly related to the journalistic profession, which Zagorka resolutely pursued despite the amount of misunderstanding and belittling with which she was greeted because of the content of her literary works.

The time of the plot can be placed in the 18th century, given the mention of the current reign of the Croatian-Hungarian queen and Roman German Empress Maria Theresa, and the key locations of the novel include Zagreb, Hrvatsko Zagorje and Varaždin.

This versatile woman and visionary, with her comprehensive influence on the society of that time, laid a solid foundation for a better future. No obstacles stopped her. She herself was the change she wanted to see in the world. Although she was belittled and ridiculed, she tirelessly advocated for the correction of social injustice and the emancipation of women. In addition, although born into a Hungarian family, she was an advocate of the idea of ​​Croatian national liberation.

Today, at Dolac 8 in Zagreb, where Zagorka lived from the mid-1930s until her death, there is a memorial apartment dedicated to her life.

The apartment was bought by the City of Zagreb at the end of 2008, and since 2009 it has been managed by the Center for Women's Studies.

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Vrlo zanimljiv članak! Bravo!

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4 years ago

Med letoma 1891 in 1894 je bila poročena z madžarskim železniški uradnikom, vendar pa je zakonska zveza končala z njenim pobegom , najprej v Sremsko Mitrovico, nato pa v Zagreb.

Umrla je v Zagreb v starosti 84 let.

Leta 2005 je bila Zagorka izbrana kot druga najbolj priljubljena hrvaška književnica vseh časov.Zanimljivo da je bila vjenčana.

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4 years ago

Eto sada sam našao da je bila, prije svega, novinarka i sposobna urednica niza časopisa. Jedno je vrijeme uređivala Obzor. Pokrenula je i uređivala Ženski list, prvi hrvatski časopis za žene, i Hrvaticu. Borila se protiv društvene diskriminacije, mađarizacije i germanizacije te za prava žena.

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4 years ago

Da bila je svestrana žena

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4 years ago

Pisala o vješticama, kada su na našim prostorima bili rijetki i muški autori, pisci. Hrvatska Agatha Christie.

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4 years ago

Znaš da si u pravu. Inspiracija Marije Jurić Zagorke: je ova žena imenom Barica Cindek. je bila prava Grička vještica! Ova pekarica i piljarica, obavljala je svoj posao na samom Markovom trgu.u Starom gradu Zagreba Barica je bila vrlo uspješna, a gdje god se osjetio zamamni miris njenoga kruha, stvarao se dugački red u kojem su prevladavali muškarci opčinjeni njenom zavodljivošću i ljepotom. No, Barica nije padala na udvaranja, čak niti onih iz visokog društva. Odbijeni pojedinci, povrijeđenog ega, zaključili su da je Barica ljubavnica samog vraga i kapetanica vještičijeg ceha! Barica se, nažalost, zamijerila jednom od najvećih gornjogradskih moćnika- notaru Lacku Saleju koji je pokrenuo proces protiv nje, uz podršku dvije, na lomaču osuđene, “vještice”. Za to vrijeme, klima u Zagrebu je protiv spaljivanja nevinih žena pod optužbom da su vještice. Vezano uz to javlja se pokret za Baričino oslobođenje, a Baričina obitelj potkupljuje okrutnog notara Saleja. Potkupljivanje se pokazalo uspješnim te ovaj notar mijenja priču i zaboravlja koliko je povrijeđen Baričinim odbijanjem, a sve u suradnji sa svojim bratom koji je vodio proces protiv Barice. Tome mitu, Barica je oslobođena optužbi, a one dvije osuđene žene povlače svoj iskaz protiv nje. Barica biva puštena na uvjetnu slobodu.

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4 years ago

odlicno dradjen clanak, ali pa kad nije bio ako cemo iskreno, misljenja sam da ovaj post preselis u zajednicu o knjigama, svakako zasluzuje da se tamo nadje , i po sadrzaju i po kvalitetu

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4 years ago

I ja sam za to, obavezno u zajednicu. Vrlo lepo napisano, mnogo detalja i razumljivo i nama koji nismo imali predznanje

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4 years ago

Milane hvala za sugestiju .prihvaćam i mislim da to zaslužuje

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4 years ago

nema na cemu, samo timski do boljeg rezutata mozemo stici

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4 years ago

Mariju Juric Zagorku, tacnije njenu Gricku vjesticu sam citala jos dok sam bila veoma mlada. Iako je na prvi pogled "lako stivo"i zknjige se moze saznati dosta o tom konkretnom istorijskom trenutku.

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4 years ago

U pravu ste mnogo toga se može naučiti iz njenog romana ,Grička vještica nije jedan jedinstveni roman, nego ciklus romana od sedam svezaka

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4 years ago

Znam da je iz vise delova, ali su oni svimedjusobno povezani pa ih posmatram kao jedno delo.

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4 years ago