International Dog Day

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3 years ago

Danas je neslužbeni dan pasa koji se obilježava svake godine 26. kolovoza prema inicijativi Colleen Paige kojom je ova aktivistica željela podignuti svijest o boljoj brizi za ove dragocjene životinje i svijest o tome koliko psi mogu biti vrijedni u čovjekovom životu.

Ako imate psa za kućnog ljubimca, nema te ljutnje ili tuge koja može dugo opstati u vama kada vidite te okice, njuškicu ili šapice

S razlogom se govori da je pas čovjekov najbolji prijatelj jer, poput svih drugih životinja, pruža bezuvjetnu ljubav i pažnju, ali i pomaže slijepima, vatrogascima, policiji i nebrojeno puta je čovjeku spasio život.

Neslužbeni dan pasa obilježava se svake godine 26. kolovoza prema inicijativi Colleen Paige kojom je ova aktivistica željela podignuti svijest o boljoj brizi za ove dragocjene životinje.

Today is the unofficial dog day celebrated every year on August 26 at the initiative of Colleen Paige by which this activist wanted to raise awareness of better care for these precious animals and awareness of how valuable dogs can be in human life.

If you have a pet dog, there is no anger or sadness that can linger in you when you see those eyes, snout or paws

It is rightly said that the dog is man's best friend because, like all other animals, it provides unconditional love and attention, but also helps the blind, firefighters, police and has saved man's life countless times.

Unofficial Dog Day is celebrated every year on August 26 according to the Colleen Paige initiative by which this activist wanted to raise awareness of better care for these precious animals.

Kako bismo zajedno proslavili ovaj važan dan, evo nekih činjenica o psima koje možda i niste znali:

1. Oblik psećeg lica određuje koliko bi dugo pas trebao poživjeti

- Psi špicastijih lica nalik vučjim obično žive dulje.

2. Psi sanjaju u REM fazi

- Tada obično pomiču šape ili se trzaju.

3. Psi imaju oko 1700 okusnih pupoljaka

- Ljudi ih imaju 9000, a mačke 473.

4. I psi se znoje

- Ali samo preko jastučića na šapama.

6. Dalmatineri se rađaju potpuno bijeli

- Štenci Dalmatinera nemaju točkice, a oko 30 % njih je gluho na jedno uho

7. Imaju svoj jedinstven identitet

- Kao što mi imamo otisak prsta, tako psi imaju jedinstven otisak njuške

8. Psi imaju ovu nevjerojatnu sposobnost

- Mogu identificirati bolest u čovjeku, primjerice tumor ili dijabetes.

9. Najbrži pas na svijetu je…

- Hrt, a postiže brzinu od 70 km/sat.

10. Pjesma ‘A day in life’ grupe Beatles posebna je po toMcCartney za svog što je mogu čuti samo psi.

- pjesma ima zvuk pištave zviždaljke, a napisao ju je Paul McCartney za svog psa.

To celebrate this important day together, here are some facts about dogs that you may not have known:

1. The shape of a dog’s face determines how long a dog should live

- Dogs with pointed wolf-like faces usually live longer.

2. Dogs dream in the REM phase

- Then they usually move their paws or twitch.

3. Dogs have about 1700 taste buds

- People have 9000, and cats 473.

4. And dogs sweat

- But only over the pads on his paws.

6. Dalmatians are born completely white

- Dalmatian puppies do not have spots, and about 30% of them are deaf one ear.

7. They have their own unique identity

- Just as we have a fingerprint, so dogs have a unique fingerprint muzzle.

8. Dogs have this amazing ability

- I can identify a disease in a person, such as a tumor or diabetes.

9. The fastest dog in the world is…

- Greyhound, and reaches a speed of 70 km / h.

10. The Beatles ’song‘ A day in life ’is special in that it can only be heard by dogs.

- the song has the sound of a whistle, written by Paul McCartney for his dog.

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Avatar for ceky321
3 years ago


Mogu samo reci da pse obozavam i da mi je zao sto nemam uslova da imam jednog ili cak vise njih pored sebe. Bogat je onaj ko to sebi moze da priusti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Eto iako imam godina koliko imam, danas sam po prvi puta čula da postoji i taj dan i da se obilježava. Jako zanimljivo...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da, zaista je red da postoji i dan posebno posvecen psima. No, vecina vlasnika pasa svom ljubimcu pokazuje da je svaki dan njihov

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bravo. Prelepo, edukativno i zanimljivo. Nista drugacije od tebe nisam ni ocekivala

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dan pasa, ali i svaki drugi dan u godini treba da nas podseti koliko treba da poštujemo njihovu ljubav, vernost i sve što rade za nas iz dana u dan. A danas, kada završite sve obaveze, provedite kvalitetno vreme sa vašim ljubimcem. Ugodite mu u svemu. Ukoliko još uvek nemate psa, razmislite o tome da udomite jednog. Ulepšaćete život i sebi i njemu. Srećan nam svima svetski dan pasa.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For some people it is a book’s best friend, and for others it is a dog. One thing is for sure - the dog has occupied a very important place in human history since the time when he became a faithful companion of a wild animal. Read what famous and lesser known people have to say about dogs, human-dog relationships.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Man and dog have been related to each other throughout history and the dog is a loyal friend to man. and what cannot be said of men. Thank you.

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3 years ago

The origins of man’s best friend go back to ancient prehistory. Humans and dogs have shared everything for 140 centuries - food and life. All these years, dogs have enthusiastically helped man in hunting and protecting livestock. In a long history, dogs have also played the role of guides, guardians of houses and apartments,scavengers, comrades-in-arms, they have played an important role as assistants in psychotherapy. Today, the dog has become man’s best friend - and man’s first animal companion to have a significant impact on human society and culture. It is right that we pay enough attention to our best friends every day, but let this pre-holiday day be another opportunity to remember all those who are not lucky enough to sleep on their warm couch.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this shared information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja imam psa u pitanju je jack russel terioer i oni imaju bas malu njusku i mene je mogu reci zbunilo ovo sa njuskama

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good article dear ❤👈👈amazing information dear👈❤plz subscribe my chanel🙏👈

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja volim pse,bas si me zbunio ovo sa njuskama.Zaista interesantan clanak o divnim bicima.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kako to da duzina zivota psa zavisi od duzine njuske? Njuska zavisi od pasmine, da li to znaci da neke pasmine krace, odnosno duze zive?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To nebi znao odgovoriti zašto je tako ali još sam nešto pročitao na tu temu - istraživanja su složna u tome da mješanci žive duže, pa čak i kada se uzme u obzir veličina.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da... Verovatno zbog jacih gena usled prirodne selekcije.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dog help us in many ways. They never cheat with his lord.

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3 years ago

Imam strašnu želju iz djetnjstva, imati u dvorištu psa tornjaka. Odgađam to godinama, jedini razlog odgode je što nema dovoljno hladovine ljeti, kako bi mu bilo na plus 40.

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3 years ago

Tornjak je prije svega pas čuvar (stada) koji uvijek ima određenu dozu agresivnosti. U gradskim sredinama umjesto stada čuvati će obitelj! S njim treba biti jako oprezan,

$ 0.00
3 years ago