Reading here some love blogger posts I was very intrigued that I decided to share with you my life story story which I am very proud of. I hope you have such stories too.
Love stories from movies and books always touch our hearts, but when such a story really exists, it is about something special, something worth mentioning. Life has its ups and downs, and it is beautiful moments that fill us and we should never forget them.
Čitajući ovdje neke ljubavne objave blogera veoma me zaiteresiralo da sam odlučio s vama podjeliti moju priću životnu priću na koju sam veoma ponosan. Nadam se da i vi imate takve priće.
Ljubavne priče iz filmova i knjiga uvijek nas dirnu u srce, no kada takva priča doista postoji riječ je o nečem posebnom, nečem vrijednom spomena. Život ima svojih uspona i padova, a upravo lijepi trenuci su ono što nas ispunjava i nikada ih ne bi smjeli zaboraviti.
Life connects people in different ways. I like to believe that there is someone for just about everyone, it’s just a matter of time before they get into someone’s life.
And here I share with you and "my" story.
After a series of failed relationships, a little disappointed in love, I often sought an escape from reality during my studies in books and concluded that my "princess on a white horse" must love to read. And so little by little I came up with that weird and crazy idea.
In the books I read in the library, I started putting pieces of paper with my phone number and a short message to let the girl who liked that book call me.
As no one called me I started to feel childish and silly. And then ... after a year, She answered. The one who didn’t think I was any of that. The one to whom it seemed witty and above all sweet. Since then we have always been in touch, hung out, graduated from college and finally got married, now we have two children. After so many years of living together, we went through good and evil together, always respecting each other
For the end of what to say, our love story is still going on.
Nakon niza neuspješnih veza, pomalo razočaran u ljubav često sam za vrijeme studija u knjigama tražio bijeg od stvarnosti i iz toga zaključio da moja „princeza na bijelom konju“ mora voljeti čitati. I tako malo po malo došao sam do te neobične i sulude ideje.
U knjige koje sam pročitao u knjižnici počeo sam stavljati papiriće sa svojim brojem telefona i kratkom porukicom da mi se javi ona cura kojoj se ta knjiga svidjela.
Kako mi se nitko nije javljao počeo sam se osjećati djetinjastim i blesavim. I onda...nakon godinu dana javila se Ona. Ona koja nije smatrala da sam ijedno od toga. Ona kojoj se to činilo vrckastim i nadasve slatkim.Od tada uvijek smo bili u kontaktu, družili se, završili fakultete i na kraju se vjencali, sada imamo i dvoje djece.Nakon toliko godina zajedničkog života prošli dobro i zlo u zajedništvu uvjek uvažavajući jedno drugo
Za kraj što reći, naša ljubavna priča još uvijek traje.
If you liked this story, like and comment because each of us has an untold story he wants to tell.
Ako vam se ova prića svidjela lajkajte i komentirajte jer svatko od nas ima ne ispričanu priću koju želi ispričati.
Predivno kao i uvek.Srećna sam što ta priča i dalje traje!Lep dabn želim Drago!