Weekend to rest.

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago

I have been wanting to take a few days to get out of my house and rest; the truth is that since I got back from my birthday trip I have not stopped working, I have made many crafts in my sewing workshop and I have gone out in search of materials to make what will soon become a baby trousseau.

This Friday we went with my husband's family to visit the beach house; we haven't been there in a while and it feels good to be there.

Another thing that gave me a lot of peace and happiness was knowing that the kids who had been away from the beach for more than two years were finally able to return. If you could see their happy faces when they could finally see the sea. Miranda and Elio are my nephews, Elio is 8 years old and Miranda is 12 years old, both are very well behaved and deserve that walk and more.

On Friday afternoon we went for a walk along the boardwalk, there is a beach nearby where people can swim and although it was not in the plans the kids could not resist the urge and went for a swim. To be honest, you have to really want to swim at that hour, I think I would have frozen to death.

That night the power went out in the whole area, for those who do not know the situation in my country Venezuela, this is more common than you can imagine. As soon as we opened the doors to the parking lot my husband left the lights on and we lit a bonfire to illuminate us and also to scare away some of the "sancudos" that were waiting for us. That was another thing the boy liked, the first thing Elio told me full of excitement was that we should roast some more "masmelos".

We all sat near the fire and began to talk and remember stories of our childhood. That's how we spent the night, my husband and his brother went into the kitchen to prepare some delicious arepas with cheese. At 11 p.m. the light finally came on and we were very happy because we could sleep with the fans on.

The next day we felt free, being in a big house, going out and getting green areas, plants, trees, listening to the birds, chickens and ducks singing is incredible. You know I am from the countryside and I grew up as a little girl running through the countryside, through the mountains, riding in the trees and being happy.

That morning my sister-in-law and I made breakfast, a delicious Andean pisca with arepas and spicy canned sardines, Mmmmmm.

As soon as we finished breakfast we went to the beach, my husband is a very nice person and always takes us wherever we want to go. Here in Higuerote the beaches are close, we went to one called San francisquito, it is a more secluded beach and not so crowded. The beach was beautiful, the water was warm and calm.

This was something my nephew asked me to do, since in his innocence he did not want to go back to the beach where he had bathed the day before and he asked me to go to a quiet beach where the waves would let him enjoy.

We spent the day playing dominoes, eating some things they sell on the beach and in the afternoon we went home to prepare our food.

I think this was my best part of the day, being able to eat a delicious fried fish, with a nice salad, everything was really delicious, especially the soup I made with the fish heads.

Having a drink is customary in the evenings; we lit the bonfire again and there we sat down to rest after a nice day in front of the sea, receiving the soft breeze on our bodies, taking a little sun to give a nice color to our skin. I think we all felt very relaxed on the beach, so much so that we went to bed at about 10 pm.

When you go to sleep knowing that everything went well and that your family is at peace, we can only thank God for all his blessings, for giving us the opportunity to be together once again and to be able to have a beautiful friendship.

The weekend could not end better, after we all went to our respective homes, my family and I went to mass, God is my strength, he is the one who helps me at all times and gives me the peace and joy I need to undertake each day with courage.

I hope that you also live quiet weekends in your lives, many times you do not need large amounts of money to go out, you just have to make the decision and put together what we all can and go out to enjoy life.

Family is very important to us, so to have spent this weekend with my husband's family and those beautiful children is priceless, I can only be eternally grateful to God for having fostered these memories that will remain in my heart for a long time.

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago


This awesome and worth sharing I wish to visit the beach to with my family I hope my wish comes true . Nice outfit mam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow..so much fun. It's always nice to spend time with family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

family is the best thing that can happen to us, I'm glad you agree with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

a place of fun entertainment together with loved ones there is nothing but to provide happiness with everyone who is always there together.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello friend parejoz, thank you for toasting my happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One needs to go to the beach to have fun every now and then, spending time with family is very fun, good for you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi lara, as we mature we realize how important these moments are in our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow. What a lovely way to spend the day Carolina! It is awesome to spend the time at the beach with the rest of the family members.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, we hadn't spent time with my husband's family for a while. they are very nice but they were very closed because of the pandemic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You had such a wonderful family bonding ma'am. You spent well your holidays with them which is the more important thing to do as family, to bond together as quality time. God bless to your family ma'am. đŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life teaches us that these moments are what make us really happy, we must value the family and generate bonds of love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its nice to know that your having a great week and able to take a rest.The sea breeze makes everyone feel relax.Just enjoy and keep safe maam.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's why I went to that beach, because it is more secluded and not crowded, I like it because it is warm and clean.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We never had a time as a family to be together and your so blessed to be with them.Familynis the best gift ever,we should love them because we love the Lord.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Winx, thank you for your words and blessings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Time spent with family is time worth remembering..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are right, and after this pandemic of covid19 it is good that we are together to celebrate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You had an awesome and enjoyable weekend I see. Swimming is hard for me so I left this one in the middle of learning but used to enjoy while learning I guess.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Swimming is easy, but you don't need to swim here because the water is shallow and the waves are calm.

$ 0.00
2 years ago