Offering To Edit Good Content
I've noticed There are a lot of people from all over the world posting articles in English, which I appreciate because it's the only language I can read lol. I've also noticed several articles that I read I can tell English isn't their first language. Sometimes this makes it difficult to read or I have to read more than once before I figure out everything they are saying. This is unfortunate because some of these articles have a lot of potential!
I'm aware that some people are offering translations; which is good; but what about editing services?
So I am offering to do this for anyone who thinks they need it for their article. Weather it's been posted yet or not. Of course I will show you the revised version and you can post it or apply the edit yourself. Just like everything else I do like artwork, associating icons to people's slp token IDs, ect.- I will be doing this for tips ;).
Although I have never had a job editing before, I've often considered doing this professionally. I have some considerable talent when it comes to figuring out what people are trying to communicate and will do my best to portray whatever it is you are trying to to tell the rest of the English reading world.
I would like to offer whatever skills I can to help make this site become more successful. It's an incredible website with the best team running it (by far) than any other website I've been to!! Even when I don't agree with changes they've made, (I sometimes change my mind about it later lol) they are constantly evolving in ways that make sense and actually listen to the users. Very refreshing! Also the community of users is incredible for multiple reasons....
Freaking LOVE you guys lol!!
Wow nice idea