Frustrating Journey To Finding Truth: My Suggestions....

Avatar for bregecko
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

I have edited this article for added information and easier reading....

( There is also an added section at the bottom )

[[ a special thanks to ''Septmike'' from for more than one reason ;) ]]

''Frustrating Journey To Finding Truth''


''My Suggestions For A More Logical Way''

by Sabrina Henry [a.k.a. bregecko]


No matter how much a person knows or even understands something, the learning can never be absolutely complete. [Unless they're God lol].... And to believe otherwise is to be delusional and foolish....

With that being said. As well as doing my best to become wiser and helpful to others by sharing what I've learned....


The following is what I've observed from my own and other's experiences when it comes to trying to expose truths about things that are intentionally being hidden by various groups in power.

Whenever I ATTEMPT to inform the public of some important facts that I think they need to know, but the information is being hidden by some bad people... [ or some are just misinformed and have enough power and influence to achieve misleading the public ]... most people won't even do research to fact check my statements. Yet a lot of the people that DO some research; with good intentions or otherwise; are unfortunately likely to come across ''info'' that is either a widely believed lie, [that comes from a source that SHOULD be trustworthy but isn't] -or- [this is usually worse in my opinion] find information that actually supports my 'opinion', yet is also lie, distorted truth, or some ACTUALLY CRAZY ramblings, and or grossly exaggerated truth, thus misleading them even more so than they already were....

Anyone equipped with a conscience and a brain that is working something close to average or better can imagine the problems that misinformation can cause on either side of any issue. Part of the problem is a lot of people don't want to know because they're afraid that learning the whole truth will depress them, or make them feel helpless because they can't do anything about it. Their subconscious mind urges them to avoid certain subjects for these reasons. Or their subconscious is protecting them from ever coming to the realization that they've been wrong about what they thought they knew since they can remember. [ego]

But if you're still reading this, I think that you, me, and everyone else that has a love for truth, can potentially change their lives for the better.

True knowledge is empowering. Even when it's initially shocking or even semi traumatic.


[ All functioning human beings have a moral responsibility to to expose important information that is or is likely to put others in danger whenever they come across it. Yet; too many times; even information that would save many lives is not being brought to light. Due to people becoming too emotional and failing to inform others in a way that is effective. ]


The Science Community Has Admitted They've Become Inadequate

Here's where facts and fiction get mixed up in such dangerous ways together with powers that be preventing truth from being realized.... Followed by a LOGICAL and scientific solution....

[[ and the solution a lot simpler than you might have thought ]]



The following is a series of links and info to webpages that explain just how REALLY REALLY bad; a once respected profession; science has become....


About retracted journal articles

[scary stuff]

''Effects of article retraction on citation and practice in medicine.''

found here--

"At times, there are reasons for authors to make a formal statement of retraction of work they publish in biomedical journals. This study examines 235 retracted articles and looks at the reasons for these retractions and citations to the articles subsequent to retraction. The primary reasons for retraction are error of various kinds (such as problems with method or sample, including contamination of samples) and misconduct. The 235 articles are cited a total of 2,034 times after retraction. This set of citations can be divided into two groups: citations that appear in journals included in the Abridged Index Medicus and those that appear in other journals included in MEDLINE. While most of the citations in these two groups of journals can be categorized as "implicitly positive," 275 make explicitly positive mention of retracted articles. The implications for continued citation for biomedical research and clinical practice are discussed...."



--This is particularly important when it comes to the general public wanting to do research on various things

--Notice that they looked into citations that appear in MEDICAL journals!

--This report doesn't discuss OTHER hundreds of other TRUSTED websites all over the internet that love to quote from these retracted papers! ]

--Just imagine, this only covers retractions. There are many that slip through when they SHOULD be retracted.


"The Symbiotic Relationship between Authors, Medical Journals, Editors and the Peer Review System"

found here--

"....This is undoubtedly the case in many instances, and when it is so, can lead to some unwelcome, if not dangerous consequences.

When publication becomes mandatory, quality often suffers. This lack of quality research is evident in the many and ever increasing number of medical journals...."


"Ethical problems in scientific publications"

found here--

....Misconduct have been detected in Revista Médica de Chile in a few cases of redundant publications, plagiarism, lack of recognition of conflicts of interest mainly with pharmaceutical companies, and one attempt of forging the publication of an article that had been previously rejected. In handling situations identified as ethical misbehavior, the editors of this journal have successfully followed rules established by COPE. This article reviews and reinforces recommendations to avoid ethical misbehavior in biomedical research and in manuscripts submitted for publication.


"The natural selection of bad science"

found here--

"....Poor research design and data analysis encourage false-positive findings. Such poor methods persist despite perennial calls for improvement, suggesting that they result from something more than just misunderstanding...."


see also--

from JRSM [ journal of the royal society of medicine ]--

links to articles--

"Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals"

"Integrity and misconduct in biomedical research"

"Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policies and Practices in Peer-reviewed Biomedical Journals"


Note for above links:

I urge you to read these pages to realize that these reports are insight and research into an attempt to address the many rapidly rising problems that the scientific community has been having that ultimately effect the knowledge that the rest of the world ends up with as a result. Ultimately the public is dangerously misinformed.



Special thanks to an article found on this webpage for next 4 sections.

"The Science is Settled!"


About Ben Goldacre--

[ from Wikipedia--

Ben Michael Goldacre MBE is a British physician, academic and science writer. As of March 2015, he is a senior clinical research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, part of the University of Oxford's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. ]

Ben Goldacre-- TEDeX--

"What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe" [video]

found here--

'When a new drug gets tested, the results of the trials should be published for the rest of the medical world -- except much of the time, negative or inconclusive findings go unreported, leaving doctors and researchers in the dark. In this impassioned talk, Ben Goldacre explains why these unreported instances of negative data are especially misleading and dangerous....'

Ben Goldacre again-- another TEDeX talk--

[ on youtube ]

''Battling bad science''


About Marcia Angell--

[ She served as editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine -for 20 years.... She is now a Senior Lecturer at the 'Department of Global Health and Social Medicine' at Harvard Medical School. ]

her article found here--

More from Marcia Angell....

"Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption"--

Also-- in an interview for Frontline--

''The truth about the drug companies : how they deceive us and what to do about it"

her book found here--

And a lecture from her found on youtube--


About Dr. Richard Horton--

[ Richard Charles Horton FRCP FMedSci is editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a United Kingdom–based medical journal. ]

"....much of the published research filling the medical journals today is very poor in quality and even fraudulent...."

Dr. Richard Horton's Letter published in The Lancet--

''What is medicine’s 5 sigma?''

found here--


Just one example of the results from bad medical science

The following is part of an article found here--

"David Graham is a senior scientist who works in the Office of Drug Safety within the FDA. On November 18, 2004, he was called to testify to the US Government about Vioxx, a prescription medication that was used to treat acute pain. His testimony explained how both Merck (the maker of Vioxx) and the FDA were long aware of safety data that implicated Vioxx as potentially causing many heart attacks and deaths.

Vioxx was approved and licensed by the FDA in 1999, after the FDA determined that it was in fact a safe and effective medication. That approval was given despite pre-licensing data (discovered through a Merck study called 090) which showed that Vioxx recipients actually experienced a 7x greater risk of heart attack when compared to the control group. And another Merck study called VIGOR, which was published later in 2000, showed that Vioxx recipients experienced a 5x greater risk of heart attack when compared to the control group. Despite the evidence linking Vioxx with fatal heart attack outcomes, the FDA and Merck did little about it. Vioxx subsequently became a drug of choice for physicians, who prescribed it widely to their patients for four more years until 2004. At that time, Merck voluntarily withdrew Vioxx from the market, making the recall one of the biggest in the world's history.

Three years after the recall, in 2007, Merck was forced to pay out $4.85 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits filed by the Vioxx victims or their surviving family members. In 2011, Merck was also criminally convicted and fined. A New York Times article provided the following details (emphasis mine):

''Merck has agreed to pay $950 million and has pleaded guilty to a criminal charge over the marketing and sales of the painkiller Vioxx, the company and the Justice Department said Tuesday [November 20, 2011]."


Another example of the very corrupt scientific community working together with the FDA that lead to Aspartame becoming the most commonly used sugar substitute when they all knew it shouldn't have even become legal!

''Aspartame Special Report''



There are many other examples of similar things that I won't add here because there are just too many of them and you should see the problem by now....



It has become important to me now, to inform people so that they can become more aware of what this type of information means when it comes to the scientific community, the health of themselves and their families, and their own perceptions about reality.... [a.k.a.-- What 'we' think of as 'proven facts']


** **

''My Proposed Remedy Based On Real Science and Logic''

by Sabrina Henry ''bregecko''

There are logical solutions to the misinformation problems for people that realize they have a moral duty towards their families and society to expose various dangers so we can finally begin to heal.

One mistake that is commonly made [ and I have been guilty of it myself ]is whenever we find ourselves in a debate with someone, we don't straight due to high emotions and frustration. A typical thing to do is search google for information that supports our side. We find something that seems trustworthy, [ like an article talking about a scientific study ect. ]and then we share that 'information' with the other person.

I did this recently which is what ultimately led me to writing this article. What happened this time is the other person just responded with the same method lol....


As I noted earlier, only God really knows the whole truth of anything, but to not search for truth in the best ways we can think of is a shame. Not to mention living in denial and wasting our time and energy 'trying' to find truth in a way that we know deep down is inadequate.


Here are my suggestions.... FINALLY lol

I'm not saying that science studies should be ignored. I'm saying we should have a mindset that allows us to be honest with ourselves while we search.... Keep our cool so we can properly investigate, therefore a lot less likely to be mislead. Be more aware of ourselves so that we aren't influenced by our own biases when we think we found truth.

EVERYONE has biases, observing and acknowledging them helps keep them from blinding you from truth completely.

An example of a logical plan of action would go like this....

When you come upon some information, simply finding a 'study' on it doesn't really verify it....

Once you have found what seems to be proof, remember that scientists are not God. Not only are they imperfect, but their methods aren't either. Not to mention too many of them are caught completely falsifying their work.

So check them....

Here's how--

To save time, first check to see if the article has been retracted and why. I should mention that if it has been retracted, that doesn't mean it was completely wrong, not all reasons for retraction are created equal. For example....

While doing research for this article, I came across a science study that had been retracted. Making me suspicious of the info. But then I came across several other studies on the same subject. So many that I stopped counting and decided to work with the multiple other studies I found that had not been retracted.

Just because a paper some scientists wrote hasn't been retracted doesn't mean it's a fact. And just because because there are several that agree doesn't either.

Sometimes scientists seem to be completely missing something in their logic that really should be obvious. Just because they had 'a method' or thoroughly analyzed 'data', doesn't mean it was done in a way that makes sense. And you'd be surprised just how inadequate their methods can be. So before you get all excited about finding 'proof' that your assumptions about something were correct, ACTUALLY READ HOW THE 'STUDY' WAS DONE. And ask yourself, ''Does their process make sense when it comes to trying to solve the problem or validate a theory?''--''Are they completely ignoring obvious questions or holes in the theory?''

Remember, scientists have life expenses too. Most are getting paid by by other people that have an agenda. Commonly, they are paid by some pharmaceutical giant that is trying to get some drugs approved by the FDA. This is just one example.


Check the Other Side of the Story

Once you have ruled out inadequacy and fraud, you should also check studies that disagree or came up with conflicting results. Keep in mind that different scientists use different methods. And too many times fail to communicate some details about their methods that might be important to know when attempting to replicate the study.

Once or if you find anything [ and there almost always is ] put that study or article through the same critical analysis that you put the other one through. I know this is difficult to do if you have a natural bias that causes you to be partial to the other, but what's the point of going through all of this trouble discovering truth if you don't follow through?

It's difficult to go against whatever your ego is screaming at you, but once you do it, trust me, it feels invigorating and liberating. Plus, you'll be proud of yourself for doing the right thing.


The following subject about the detrimental problems in science is hard to swallow, but at least it's a lot easier [in a way] to check for....


Original Data

Another problem that I found to be astonishing. Not just that they had the audacity to do it, but that they got away with it too. Succeeding to convince most of the planet that their work was legit....

This is [in my opinion] the worst overlooked problem in science. And is so common it's scary....



Please don't get offended at the subject matter of the following section. I am not trying to convince anyone towards either side of the argument. I'm simply bringing to light just how dangerously corrupt science has become. My aim is to point out to pure facts. This collection of facts does not prove anything about our future.


In the following video, Dr. Don J. Easterbrook is speaking to Congress about climate change. He points out several times that the science papers that had been published about this subject were actually ''adjusting their data'' to fit their narrative. Actually, he was being nice about it because here's what they did....

They had charts and lists ie 'data' about global temperatures from as far back as temperatures were ever recorded compared to modern temperatures. They actually CHANGED the numbers to make it look like current temperatures were the highest.

Dr. Easterbrook says the words ''original data'' over and over again and explains what that means more than once! Which is....

Every part of the civilized world at some point in history started putting on permanent record the temperatures that they document.

Most places have that information open to the public on some official website. When you go to compare the new scientific studies on global warming with the data recorded in all of these permanent records from all over the world, they don't match!


Here is a pdf talking about this issue--

''A Critical Look at Surface Temperature Records''

Warning.... It's not meant for 'regular' people to read. So you might find it especially boring and confusing.


If you decide to sit through the whole video, you're likely to notice just how biases work. Preventing normally intelligent human beings from understanding simple logic. Spoiler alert.... Sadly, they never got it! By the end I found myself laughing at it because these politicians were so oblivious to the facts. But this is no laughing matter!


Which brings me to my recent Wikipedia experience....


** Wikipedia is only good for getting general information. Like if you hear a name or subject matter you never heard of before. The website is not a place to find facts that you can depend on! **


For example--

When I was doing research on Dr. Don J. Easterbrook I went to Wikipedia to see if he was involved in any controversies because Wikipedia is pretty faithful when it comes to pointing those out....

I was surprised to notice there was nothing on the side-list for any subject that was negative. But what they did do was very misleading. And very suspicious that they didn't have anything in the contents list. Even if it's just a few sentences long; if any conflicts exist; they always have a section explaining at least the basics of what occurred.

Instead of a section dedicated to anything of the sort.... They ended the 'Research' section with this....

found here--

'Easterbrook's claims have been contradicted by temperature data....'

....with two links attached to the end of that sentence.

So; like a sensible investigator; I checked them out....

Turns out th*ey were both hit pieces on the scientist for not PREDICTING accurately how hot or cold it would be. Both websites were very tacky. Bad mouthing and insulting anyone that had a different opinion than them.

There is a lot of bad science around this subject. The worst I've ever seen. So if you decide to go down this particular rabbit hole, be warned....


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And Here is a section that I felt compelled to add....




" The Edit............. "



"An Offense to Logic Itself.... The Gross Lack of Science"

It's in the medical field. And it's not just effecting our pregnant women and BABIES.... It's threatening to become mandated in most of the USA. And already is in some places....

Meaning it's likely to directly effect ALL pregnant women and babies.

AND they won't have the CHOICE to avoid the consequences of this horrible neglect and lack of science from the medical field!


(( I wrote about this more thoroughly in my article here-- ))


But I just want to briefly appeal to everyone's most basic sense of logic, and reason. For the sake of both our most vulnerable and most precious-- and NORMALLY, especially protected --members of society....

Our pregnant women and our infants.

Is it not OBVIOUS that we don't want abundance of aluminum in our brains?

It's already well established that aluminum causes Turrets, Parkinson's, Dementia, Narcolepsy, and many other brain issues because the body will start replacing the iron and copper (that the brain has to have in order to function) with the aluminum.

Aluminum poisoning is a medical condition. And it's becoming an increasingly more common issue.


( This especially happens if there's a large amount of it introduced to the system in a short period of time. The body; instead of getting rid of it as it should; will recognize that it's more abundant than the iron and copper. And even though the iron and copper are more useful for the electrical connectivity in the brain, the aluminum works also.

The results TYPICALLY aren't death. They're just faulty connections that ultimately destroy the quality of life. In very dramatic ways. )


A personal note about me....

{{ B.T.W.... I'm a victim of aluminum poisoning. I have Narcolepsy. A disease of the brain that has preventing me from ever having a 'regular' job. Or at least any job with a schedule that's expected to be kept. }}

I'm compelled to add to this article....

Because someone left a comment on the article trying to state that aluminum wasn't an issue because it wasn't considered a 'heavy metal'.


There's more info that makes the whole aluminum threat A LOT worse than what SHOULD be obvious.... But I will have to come back and finish this later.

If you want to do your own research to know what I am currently learning. Loo up issues with the blood brain barrier. Two of them....

Effects of aluminum on the bbb [blood brain barrier].

And ingredients in the vaccines that are known for passing through bbb as well.

The more research I do, the scarier it gets.

But I try to be as accurate and error free as possible. So the research takes a lot of time.


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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


Interesting journey

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3 years ago

Keep on posting.. Very lovely and nice article ever that i read

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3 years ago

i am new.. please support me everybody

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3 years ago

wow. what is this.? so much amazing post. i know many things from your article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh amazing story and article dera❤ plz subscribe my chanel👈👈👈

$ 0.00
3 years ago

super work and nice article from@bregecko thanks for posting such interesting article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Septmike is cool, we should invite him to join! Will you do that?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure. Hey, do you have the same user name on memo?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes. It was 'Kptnkook' originally but I changed it recently to Koush.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank you so much for giving up another source to earn money i will sign up to this platform and compare between readcash and it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's awesome! Works more like this site than anything else I can think of. Love the community there....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. The good news of the Bible is God's truth. So it's easy to find. The greatest event is history was the witnessed resurrection of Jesus over 40 days and witnessed ascension, then move in great power via the holy spirit! :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm not surprised at the coincidence of you mentioning the Holy Spirit.... The Holy Spirit moved me to write this article because the misinformation in science is killing a lot of his people.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with almost every word.... The bible isn't the whole the WHOLE truth. BUT, it does say that the Holy Spirit will bring more knowledge. The only way to TRULY know or understand anything IS The Holy Spirit though AND knowledge IS power and will set you free.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well world is always cruel but there is also a heaven with in us.World would be beautiful if we think on these way we could find a peace.Yes there will be happy moments also and sorrow also will be there.These is the RULE of our world

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will check the other one out too!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You should, or you could divide this article into parts (meaning into more articles). Add bold and some titles so it would be easier to navigate.
The post has many breaks and topics and so it could be difficult to get what you are trying to say.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, the way I originally wrote it on my computer was exactly like that. When I copied and pasted it was a mess. Took me like at least 10 minutes just to get it readable lol. And I don't know how to change font size ect. in this editor. It was also my first 'real' article....

Still don't know how to do a lot of that stuff, but I learned what NOT to do at least lol.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No worries, to see the font edit options, when you are writing an article there is a button/link in the upper right side that sends you to an article talking about that.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

very nice article @bregecko thanks for posting such a beautiful article keep posting more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks. I'm currently working on one about GMOs. This is a tough one though. Difficult to not become emotional.Which is important.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for posting

$ 0.00
4 years ago