Date 6 June 2022
Everyone must age, but we also know that everyone becomes an adult only by measuring their age. Maturity is not seen in terms of age, because what makes the benchmark for maturity is the ability to have a mature mindset. So what are the signs that your mindset is an adult?
Here are some explanations of the signs that you have entered the adult phase.
1. Can sort out what is good and bad
You can see the good and the bad in the things you choose or do in life. Being good or bad is a life choice. When you are an adult, of course you will only choose good things, right? Whether it's related to relationships, work, lifestyle and others.
Often, when we are still immature, we make mistakes and keep repeating the same mistakes, or you are still easily drawn into relationships that are obviously bad things.
2. Think before you act
You can control yourself when you react to something. You will think about the best and logical solution to do, which does not harm yourself or others.
So you can be more careful in doing things that are very important to you and have thought about the consequences of your actions.
3. Be proud when receiving criticism
In the process of pursuing a dream, you will receive a lot of criticism from others. Criticism will not make you down or sad, but you make it as a material for self-introspection and improve the things that are still lacking in you.
Generally, someone who is immature will usually get angry when he receives criticism from others, usually this criticism will be considered as an insult to ourselves. In contrast to adults, they will actually consider the criticism as positive input for them, and can take lessons from each other's criticism.
4. Seeing things from a positive point of view
If we are in discussion with other people and there are people who submit opinions but according to other people it is wrong, but you can see your friend's opinion from a positive point of view.
You open yourself to accept the mindset of people with different opinions, and open to discussion so that your insights and thoughts are open. That way you don't become a selfish person and are always positive in accepting other people's points of view.
5. Finding solutions, admitting mistakes and not blaming
When we are facing a problem, usually we will be calmer in analyzing the problem and can find solutions to the problem without blaming others. After that, you will also be able to learn from the mistakes you have made and will not repeat them again.
6. Can understand other people
To understand other people's feelings is indeed not easy for people who are immature. This is a tricky thing because other people will not agree with us either. And usually people who are adults will think more rationally to understand other people's feelings and can understand the intentions of other people.
7. Not easily ignited by emotions
In dealing with problems, usually our minds will also be ignited in emotions and cannot control our anger. So if you could be in big trouble, try to be more calm and don't get carried away by emotions. If you are still often used to emotions, it means that you are not mature enough to face a problem.
8. Not thirsty for praise
When you solve a problem at a company, it's common for your friends to compliment you on reasons you're great, you're talented, or things that make them compliment you. When this happens, you will be normal and will not be arrogant. You will think of the compliment as nothing more than their gratitude to you and of course you will remain humble.
9. Can beat fear
When we are children, of course we are still afraid to carry out a responsibility or task that is given to us. When we are adults, we will be more confident in doing anything and will know no fear or shame as long as we do the right thing in carrying out our duties.
Sometimes we will also feel afraid if we are going to start our own business, for example, you are afraid of failure, afraid that your business will go bankrupt or maybe you are embarrassed to run your small business. It's better for you to avoid these bad thoughts and start to think more broadly for your future and beat your fears with high motivation to succeed.
So that's a review of the signs we've grown up, it's true that maturity doesn't come suddenly, but through several processes you learn from your own experiences and thoughts.
i am not an adult yet, but when you are the eldest in the family. you will mature early as much as possible because of your responsibilities at home.