Hej Slovani (Slovenian Hej Slovenci, Slovak Hej Slovaci, Croatian Hej Slaveni, Serbian Hej Sloveni) is a nationalist song of various Slavic nations, which has been the national anthem of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since 1945 and was the anthem of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro until 2006. Mountain. The lyrics of the song were written in 1834 by Samuel Tomášik under the title Hey Slovaks !, and the melody is basically the same as Mazurka Dombrowski, the national anthem of Poland. Until the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991, versions in Slovene, Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian, as well as in Croatian and Serbian, were in use.
Hej Slovani (slovenački Hej Slovenci, slovački Hej Slovaci, hrvatski Hej Slaveni, srpski Hej Sloveni) nacionalistička je pjesma raznih slavenskih naroda, koja je od 1945. državna himna Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije i bila je himna Državne zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore do 2006. godine. Planina. Tekst pjesme napisao je 1834. Samuel Tomášik pod naslovom Hej slovaci!, A melodija je u osnovi ista kao i ona Mazurke Dombrowski, državne himne Poljske. Do raspada Jugoslavije 1991. godine bile su u upotrebi verzije na slovenskom, srpskohrvatskom i makedonskom, kao i na hrvatskom i srpskom.
Hey Slavs, our word
Slavic live sprouts
until our heart
for our people beats.
Live, live, Slavic spirit,
be alive forever
thunder and hell, empty of yours
the stacks are against us.
Let it be over us then
let the terrible storm subside,
rock scale, age breaks,
let the earth shake.
Brethren, we stand firm
like the walls of the city,
let the black earth sink
of that which falls away.
With love
eh bilo nekad, pa nije valjalo sad nam je sve dzabe...