Cat. A beautiful mysterious mistress. Independent, solitary, selfish, free and untamed. Her elegance of movement, soft and courageous unpredictability, unwavering audacity and incredible intelligence. Each one is different, each one is special. It can also be fun and funny or lazy and antisocial, it can be insanely caring or downright wild. She can also be the one who thinks she is a dog. Waiting for you to enter the house and being distrustful of strangers. Who smells everything you bring into the house and tries to crawl into every shopping bag you bring from the store. When she circles around the chair to get up and give her space. When he wakes you up in the middle of the night to gain a touch of attention and love. When you can never figure out what exactly she would like and what exactly will be her next step. They say a cat has nine lives. In three he plays, in three he wanders, in the last three he stays at home. I mean, a cat. Those of us who know it know how it is.
“I studied a lot of philosophers and a lot of cats. The wisdom of cats is undoubtedly superior. ” Hippolyte Taine
"A cat knows no reason to submit to another animal even if it is on two legs." Sara Thompson
"A cat has no master, a cat has a servant." The author is unknown
"A cat does not respect a man because he offers him food, but because he manages to entertain him." Geoffrey Household
“I love cats because I enjoy my home. Little by little, cats become a visible soul at home. ” Jean Cocteau
"Cats know who likes them and who don't, and yet they don't react, whether it's good or bad." Winifred Cariere
"If we greeted every person we meet with as much love as we greet our cat, people would probably start praying too." Martin Buxbaum
"A cat's ear is made so that a human voice goes quickly in on one side and out quickly in the other." Stephen Baker
"Meow is like 'Aloha' - it can mean anything." Henk Ketchum
"Cats know the secret to how to get food without work and to love without giving up." W. L. George
"You can't own a cat, at best you can only be a cat's partner." Sir Harry Swanson
"Ordinary cats don't exist!" Colette
“I believe that cats are ghosts who have visited the earth for a short time. I am convinced that a cat can walk on clouds without falling. ” Jules Verne
"Cats know the golden rule - even if you're fat, be stylish." John Weitz
"Some cats are blind, some are deaf, but no cat is stupid." Anthony Euwer
"Cats exist to discard the fact that everything that is made is made to serve man." Paul Gray
"The problem with a cat is that you never know if it's looking at a mouse or a serial killer." Paula Poundstone
"The problem with sleeping with a cat is that they prefer to sleep on you rather than next to you." Pam Brown
„Studirao sam puno filozofa i puno mačaka. Mudrost mačaka je nesumnjivo superiorna. " Hipolit Taine
"Mačka ne zna niti jedan razlog da se pokori drugoj životinji, čak i ako je na dvije noge." Sara Thompson
"Mačka nema gospodara, mačka ima slugu." Autor je nepoznat
"Mačka ne poštuje čovjeka zato što mu nudi hranu, već zato što ga uspijeva zabaviti." Geoffrey Household
"Volim mačke jer uživam u svom domu. Malo po malo, mačke postaju vidljiva duša kod kuće. " Jean Cocteau
"Mačke znaju tko ih voli, a tko ne, a ipak ne reagiraju, bilo da je dobro ili loše." Winifred Cariere
"Da smo pozdravili svaku osobu koju sretnemo sa toliko ljubavi koliko pozdravimo našu mačku, vjerojatno bi i ljudi počeli moliti." Martin Buxbaum
I strasni ljubavnici i naučnici umni jednako vole, kada u zrelo zađu doba, snažne i blage mačke, koje iz toplih soba ne miču, ko ni oni, i mrze život šumni.
Odane nasladama i učenosti, one svuda tišinu traže i tminu punu groze; Had bi ih zapregao da crna kola voze, samo da mogu ropstvu da gordu glavu sklone.
One su, plemenite, kao velike snene sfinge u predubokoj samoći ispružene i kao da ih neki beskrajni san zapaja;
niz plodna im se bedra iskri magičan blesak, i od zvezdica zlatnih, sićušnih kao pesak, zenice su im pune zagonetnoga sjaja.
Šarl Bodler