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4 years ago

Napoleon Hill researched the secret of success for more than 20 years by studying more than 100 successful people (Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell (). And he wrote down this acquired knowledge in this book With an Idea to Wealth.

All achievements and all acquired knowledge start in the form of ideas!

Edison: "When a man wants something so badly that he is willing to bet all his future to fulfill his wish, he will sooner or later win."

How completely different life stories people could tell if they chose a certain purpose and worked for it until it turned into a complete obsession.

Have your basic purpose in life.

One of the main causes of failure is the immediate surrender at the first temporary defeat. This happens to everyone. Success, however, is only a step behind this defeat. Most, however, stop at this defeat.

One of the main weaknesses of humanity is homeliness with the word ‘impossible’.

Before we can create wealth, we need to magnetize our mind with a strong desire for it. A man can achieve just about anything his mind can imagine.

The first step to wealth: DESIRE

Barnes succeeded because he set a goal, and he put all his energy, will, and effort into achieving it.

Make a dream come true after you turn a wish into a concrete action. Ask life for great gifts and encourage him to truly give them to you.

The second step to wealth: FAITH

Both misery and wealth are the result of faith.

Faith is a necessary component of success. We gain and strengthen faith by repeating instructions to our unconscious mind.

The key is to give first before you get it. Even the rich have to learn this if they want to turn their piracy into businesses that work with and for the public, but are still profitable.

The third step to wealth: AUTOSUGESTION

When you manage to prepare the deepest part of your mind to start working for you, you can expect surprising results. However, if you support the principles of autosuggestion with the power of emotions, you get an excellent combination.

Autosuggestion is a way of control by which an individual consciously feeds his unconscious mind with creative thoughts or vice versa. Merely reading positive words, without proper accompanying emotions or feelings, has no effect.

The unconscious mind accepts every command that you give it with complete conviction and also fulfills it, but we must present these commands to it over and over again and repeat them until the unconscious part accepts them.

Pay attention to fantasies, inspirations - do it! These are the signs of the universe. Inspiration is valuable, so you need to use it without hesitation. “Waiting for the right moment” can defeat you.

Human beings are characterized by DOUBT into new ideas. Thanks to his power to influence the unconscious mind, man can become the master of himself and his environment.

The fourth step in the book With an Idea to Wealth: SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE

There are 2 types of knowledge: general and specific. In general, it is not very useful for gaining wealth. In schools, they teach almost every form of general knowledge known to civilization.

But most professors are not exactly wealthy, as they specialize at most in passing on special knowledge, and they leave the organization of this knowledge in favor of its use alone.

The claim that knowledge is power is certainly not true. It is merely a potential power.

Your education is what you make of it. Namely, he is educated who has developed his mental abilities to such an extent that he can get everything he wants without violating other people's rights.

The fifth step to wealth: IMAGINATION

Man’s only limitation within the mind is the development of the imagination and its use. All the good opportunities you need in life are waiting for us in our imagination.

Desire is merely a thought, an impulse. It is foggy, short-lived and abstract. Until it turns into a physical equivalent, it has no value.

Ideas are the starting point of all riches. Ideas, however, are products of the imagination.

If you are one of those who believe that wealth brings only hard work and honesty, forget that thought. It's not real. Wealth in large numbers is never the result of hard work.

Step Six in the book With an Idea to Wealth: ORGANIZED PLANNING

No individual has enough experience, education, natural abilities and knowledge to ensure the acquisition of great wealth without foreign support.

If your first plan doesn’t work, replace it with a new one. If the new one does not work, replace it again with a new one… until you find the one that will work. Most people fail due to a lack of perseverance in creating new plans to replace the failed ones.

Temporary failure does not mean final defeat at the same time. No one is truly defeated until he surrenders in his mind.

When we see people who have amassed great riches, we usually know only their triumph, but we overlook their temporary defeats, which they had to overcome before “coming”.

We know two types of people about the basics. Leaders and followers. Decide for yourself where you want to be. The difference in reward is huge

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Written by
4 years ago


Ovo je jedan od boljih članaka koje sam u zadnje vrijeme pročita.Jako lijepo rečeno citiram "Prije nego se želimo obogatiti trebamo magnetizirati svoj um snažnom željom". Evo ova moja prića ide u tom smjeru, Kada je Henry Ford nakanio stvoriti svoj čuveni V-8 motor, odlučio je sastaviti stroj s osam cilindara u jednoj jedinici te je svojim inženjerima naložio da načine nacrte. Nakon što su dovršili nacrte, inženjeri su se svi do jednoga složili da je jednostavno nemoguće načiniti jedinicu sa osam cilindara u jednom komadu. Ford je rekao: "Svejedno ga napravite". "Ali, " nastavili su inženjeri, "to je nemoguće!" "Na posao," naredio je Ford, "i ne odustajte dok ne uspijete, koliko god to trajalo". Inženjeri su se bacili na posao. Drugo im nije preostalo ako su željeli nastaviti raditi za Forda. Nakon šest mjeseci nije bilo nikakvih rezultata. Inženjeri su iskušali svaki mogući plan da bi izvršili Fordovu zapovijed, no, taj se pothvat doimao neizvedivim; "nemogućim "! Nakon gotovo godinu dana Ford je upitao inženjere kako napreduju, a oni su ga ponovno izvijestili da ne pronalaze način ostvarenja njegove zamisli. "Na posao," rekao je Ford. "Želim taj stroj i imat ću ga." Inženjeri su nastavili s poslom i tajna je iznenada, kao nekim čudom, otkrivena. Fordova je odlučnost još jednom odnijela pobjedu! Priča možda nije ispričana do posljednje pojedinosti, no, sadržaj i rezultat su točni. Vi koji se želite obogatiti promišljanjem u njoj otkrijte tajnu Fordovih milijuna, ako možete. Nije se potrebno osobito udubiti. Henry Ford je bio uspješan jer je razumio i primijenio načela uspjeha. Jedno od njih je želja: čovjek mora točno znati što želi. Upamtite ovu priču i uočite rečenice u kojima se otkriva tajna njegova izvanrednog postignuća.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

zato kad uđem u neki posao ja sam pozitivna. pozitiva treba privlačit pozitivu.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

mnogo je nacina i puteva do uspeha ali ne postoji univerzalni recept, svako taj put mora mudro izabrati na posnovu svojih afiniteta, a bogami potrebno je i da te malo sreca potapse po ramenu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with this. Wew can have anything we want to have, just, we need to wish it enough, and second, we need to choose what we want to have. You can have anything, but you can not have everything. Focus on what you want to have.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Kažu da je čovjek u zrelim godinama pokušavao nešto iznova i iznova, a birokratija ga je stalno vraćala nazad. Na izmaku snaga je potišten ugledao kišne kapi kako sa krova padaju na skaline. Voda je udubila rupe u stepeništu ispod tog krova. Sinula mu je ideja! Kada je obična kiša i voda pobijedila tvrdi kamen svojom upornošću, tako ću i ja uspjeti, ne smijem se predavati i ne želim odustati!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sto bi se reklo, tiha voda breg roni. Upornost je bitna kada je cilj dobar. Inace ne valja srljati u propast

$ 0.00
4 years ago

da baš tako. Al ovo mislim, da prvi put čujem.Divno je napisano.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice righting

$ 0.00
4 years ago

"Nemoguće je duh stidljivih i zatočenih kukavica ... Riječ nemoguće se ne nalazi u mom rečniku"

-Napoleone Bonaparte-

Ništa nije nemoguće

​Ništa nije nemoguće. Ako mislite tako, živjećete u mogućnosti da se krećete, da kreirate, evoluirate, da vidite kako se snovi ostvaruju, da budete srećni, da imate sve što ste oduvijek zamišljali.

Ako vjerujete da je nešto nemoguće, nikad nećete dobiti ništa i nećete vidjeti kako se snovi ostvaruju. Morate željeti i postići. Morate se maksimalno posvetiti i pokrenuti se, sa ili bez straha, ali uvijek usmjereni prema onome što želite, inače nikada nećete spoznati rezultate.​ Vjerovati u nemoguće

Ako možemo da vjerujemo u nemoguće, moći ćemo da to pretvorimo u stvarnost. Jedini način koji ljudska bića poznaju kako bi išli naprijed u životu, uspjeli i bili ono što jesu je da vjeruju u sve što se čini nedostižnim i neizvjesnim. U suprotnom, nikad nećemo dobiti ništa, a uvijek ćemo stajati na vratima.

Šta mislite da bi vam rekli Bill Gates ili Steve Jobs prije par godina kada su bili samo momci sa snom ? Oni su vjerovali u sebe, u svoju sposobnost da trijumfuju, sopstvenom voljom i svojim talentom kako bi se ostvario njihov san. I uspjeli su.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ovaj moram zapamtit pa poslje da pročitam jer je izgleda dobar sadržaj :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na podpori. Da ja razmišljam knjigu od njega negde nači. Izgleda jako zanimljivo.

$ 0.00
4 years ago