Animal fighters in the Red Army

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3 years ago

Meowing Division. Unlike other animal fighters, cats did not fight the German enemy at the front, nor did they carry loads (as you can probably imagine). But even though they never appeared on the front, their contribution to the war was no less important.

During the siege of Leningrad, the inhabitants suffered from severe hunger. In severe distress, they ate all the cats in the city, so the rats roared. Hordes of rodents invaded homes and warehouses, destroying even those last meager supplies of food.

City authorities hunted rats, shot them, drove them even with tanks, but nothing helped. When the blockade of the city was finally broken in 1943, cats were the first to return to Leningrad in wagons.

The "meowing division," as it was called, quickly dealt with the rat nuisance and saved the city from an army of disease carriers. Even today, in St. Petersburg, we can see monuments in honor of these cats, erected by grateful residents.

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3 years ago


Cuda stvari najdes na netu

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3 years ago

U vrijeme španjolske inkvizicije, papa Inocent VIII osudio je mačke kao zla bića, zbog čega je na tisuće mačaka spaljeno. Nažalost, ubijanje mačaka dovelo je do ekspanzije miševa koji su samo pogoršali stanje kuge poznate kao “Crna Smrt”. Kažu da su drevni Egipćani obožavali mačke, a redovno su ih koristili i za čuvanje žita od miševa.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

E svasta ce covek ovde da procita i da se informose. Macija divizija! O maj gad. 😮

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bravo draga....kje si pa to izvedela....zanimivo vidiš tudi mačke so bile zelo koristne živalce......ampak,da ti povem naša mačka je pravo nasprostje.....ona lepo leži na terasi,uživa na soncu ali pa gre v senco,če ji je vroče in čaka kdaj bo dobila hrano.....še dober,da se ji vsaj na malo in veliko potrebo ljubi it na travnik hahah

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3 years ago

res je zanimivo branje.Vsemogoče se najde na netu. A ti nimač muce v stanovanju?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I vojnici imaju dušu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So informative, I never know this that cats are honored because of their great help during the war driving away the disease carrier rodents. They are heros serving as food for the hungry soldiers and eventually a great help in evading the pest. Here in our place cats believe protect their owner from bad spirit, a guardian.

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3 years ago

da, znam za to, narusiti prirodnu ravnotezu je veoma zeznuta stvar, i dan danas se takve stvari desavaju, znam da je skoro nesto bilo u australiji pre par godina da su morali da naseljavaju neke zivotinje da bi se povratio neohodni balans

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3 years ago

U Skandinaviji su osamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka osmislili ribnjake koji sami sebe hrane. Samo bi ljudi postavili jaka svjetla, farove iznad same vode. Moljci, leptirice bi sprljili svoja nježna krila o vrele farove, padali bi u vodu, a dolje bi ih pojele gladne ribe. Nakon godinu dana počele su da izumiru i da se sele ptice. Narušen je lanac ishrane, ptice laste nisu imale dovoljno hrane zbog masovnog ubijanja mušica i leptirica.

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3 years ago

It is common knowledge that cats were domesticated in the Egyptian era, as they were also worshiped by God. According to recent research, the domestication of cats dates back to the Neolithic period, around 7500 BC. A 2007 genetic study showed that cats evolved from a Middle Eastern wild cat.

God’s worship of cats in Egyptian times is closely associated with the goddess Bastet. This one was initially depicted as a woman with a cat’s head, but was later depicted as a cat in its entirety. Cats were also worshiped for their connection to the goddess. Whoever injured a cat was severely punished for it. Wealthy cats decorated the cats with jewelry, but when the animal died, they mummified it and buried it in a sarcophagus in its natural form. One of the reasons for worshiping cats was the fact that they hunted rodents that caused damage to crops. This is also the first known example of biological pest control.

The Egyptians carefully guarded the cats from strangers, yet they were taken over by Phoenician traders. These cats were brought to Europe, and as useful helpers in the fight against rodents, they were also smuggled from Egypt by traveling monks on their way to the Far East and Roman soldiers. The role of cats as working animals began to expand, and with it the cult of worship slowly died out. Nevertheless, centuries later, the belief that they bring good luck was maintained in China, and statues of cats were placed in Japan to repel pests. After the rise of Christianity in Europe, the ecclesiastical authorities wanted to suppress such pagan beliefs. Cats, therefore, began to be portrayed in a more negative light, as misfortune bearers or witch helpers. Until the rest of the world, cats were brought in by European emigrants during the colonization era. Already Columbus' expedition, which discovered the New World, had several cats hunting rats on board.

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3 years ago