Before you Say "I DO"

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2 years ago
Topics: Marriage

Marriage should be the goal of every person who is dating .If one of the partners has no plans to get married,consider the relationship game over.Whatever the reason for those who do not believe in the idea of marriage ,it is still the way to make any relationship truly meaningful.Everyone belongs for someone whom they can grow old with.There is no real satisfaction in movable and dynamic relationships .People need to recognize the value of commitment.The decision to love someone with dedicatin and genuine loyalty.This can only thrive in the institution of marriage.

It is still true the Saying that marriage is not like a meal that,when it expires,is you can immediately spit out.When something is Broken,you fix rather you throw it away!Marriage s should not be solemnized if there is no intension to remain married for life,Many people get married without knowing its lifetime implication.!

Don't Rush into Marriage

Many of those who are eager to get married are not able to establish a good family due to lack of maturity in many things immature.People tend to be self-centered and incentive.I have witnessed many teenagers got married and immediately separate without even one person getting together.Meeting your wife/husband at a later age will decrease the prospects of you commiting a Mistake.Psychologist say that it is by the age of 25 that our personality stabilizes.

Many people make marriage an escape hatch.Some people suddenly get married because they broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend,to escape family problems,Increase self-esteem ,are desperate to get marrie,because the rebel against their parents,and what other reasons.

Can you just Live-in?

According to the young adult fertility and sexuality (YAFS 3) survey of the UP population institute, Filipinos' perceptions of marriage have changed, 33 percent of men are in favor of live-in relationships compared to 10.8 percent of women. annulment cases in office-general every year.The rate increases by 40 percent over the past 10 years from 4,520 to 8,282 in 2020.more favor for women in the law to allow divorce in the country (40.2%) while only (8.4%) for men.

Cohabitation or Live-in partners is unstable.It undermines real commitment which can hurt the couple and thier children eventually.In my opinion, even having a pre-nuotial agreement is not good practice because there is an immediate presumption of preperation Many think that a relationship laboratory live-in set up That it is better to live-in than to get married to find out if it will really last the relationship because when separated it is said there are not too many hang-ups wrong wrong in a study done in america, more than 80% of those who live in end up in separation.

Marriage is an honorable act.God instituted marriage,because he considered that it is not good for man/woman to be alone unless you are specially called to singlehood.It was god's idea and symbolized the relationships between christ and the Church.Cohabitation is a form of fornication which does not please god.Many who live in it should be tolerated if you want a lasting relationship, should not keep in mind that the relationship is only temporary there is no guarantee that a live-in relationship will continue in marriage because there is missing element real commitment.


Need proper preparation if we want to enter married life .failure to prepare for marriage can weaken the foundation for your fiture family.find a person to love who shares same interests with you.stable marriages are those involving two people with many similarities. The more you have the same characteristics, the greater your satisfaction level when you get married. but before the wedding bells finally ring, there are things you need to look at.

Your Commitment to your partner

Ask yourself could i spend the rest of my life with this person? can you love him despite his weaknesses and bad experiences and weaknesses? do you find yourself unhappy if he is not in your life? are you sure have you proven that "he/she" is what the lord provides for you? if you answered "yes" to all these questions, you may now consider marrying that person. Part of a strong relationship is honesty and open acceptance of weakness of each other.Commitment in marriage means loving your partner faithfully.Marriage is permanent, nothing is left.You must also be ready to pay the price that the relationships may bring.

Your decision to Leave yours parents

Are you already emotionally-separated from your parents?You need to understand this principle because you will "cleave" to your spouse for life.

Mama's boys and papa's girls are not ready to get married yet. Parents also need to resolve their empty nest syndrome or separation anxieties. when their child is married, they are no longer the priority but their child's wife. However, this does not mean that children will forget the parents who nurtured and raised them. It is not a matter of amount of money but of the ability to stand on their own two feet.There must be an attitude of independence To be able to face the requirements of marriage. There is no Peter Pan Syndrome (for those who do not want to grow-up) The life of a young man/woman is no longer possible when you are married. There is no more vacancy for others in your heart. wife is the first focus. she should be your best friend and ultimate confidante.

Your responsibilities as Husband/wife

Internalize God's design in marriage as revealed i Ephesians 5.God has a definite role for the Husband and Wife.for a man, you must be willing to dedicate your life to your wife like the love that Christ showed on the Cross. To women, love your husbands and submit to them as you submit to the Lord. couples to raise their children morally. Part of the home mother's responsibility is to take care of the children as they grow up.

Financial status

One of being married life makes you stressfull is the issue of money. This is often the reason why people are hot-headed in the house. When you have a hole in your pocket, you have a lot to do and have to think hard about how to live.Also the couple who should be spending time with each oter may find themselves pressured to earn there is no time for each other .The couple should just have a stable job and income source.Sadly, many prepare only for the wedding and not for marriage. Spend a lot of time and money preparing for a day at the event but look beggar afterwards.

Ideally,we should be deb't-free before marriage.You must think beyond the wedding day.After marriage, will you also live with your parents? Will they still feed you? Of course not right? Because you already have a family of your own, you should not depend on your parents. They can help you start your married life, but don't abuse their kindness. family planning is standing on our own two feet. Make sure you don't always depend on your parents because you also have a family of your own!











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2 years ago
Topics: Marriage
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$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will always remember my responsibilities and commitment towards my parents

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very will said,na speechless ako nasabi mo na lahat eh,bitaw ang pag aasawa hindi kaning mainit na pag napaso pwede mo iluwa,dapat well prepared physically,mentally and emotionally.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

bitaw te hehehe ,tara na matog na ta🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unya pako makatulog ani bah,wa paman ko dalawa ni antok oi hehehe,goodnight

$ 0.00
2 years ago